showing 17 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Bomns (Bomns for Linux) author? labelminimizeminimize
Chickens (Chickens for Linux!) author? labelimageminimize
Linball (Linux Pinball) author? labelimageminimize
Linux distribution race Opi-Games? labelminimizeminimize
Linux Game and Entertainment for X Window Headbone Software;AXE? labelminimizeminimize
Moria (UMoria) author?While moria is in Ubuntu repositories, this version often fails to run on older Ubuntu based distributions. Compiling from the sources in the Ubuntu repositories seems to have the same result. But the moria package from the Debian repos runs and compiles fine. moria from Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty repos works.***Deep Within the Mines of Moria the Balrog awaits. You are tasked with defeating it. Moria is obviously based on Tolkien's works. Moria has other Tolkien creatures and characters and some Dungeon's & Dragons inspired content also (D&D itself was heavily inspired by Tolkien's works). The player may choose a Human, Half-Elf, Elf, Halfling, Gnome, Dwarf, Half-Orc, or Half-Troll character and a Warrior, Mage, Priest, Rogue, Ranger, or Paladin class (note some races cannot choose some classes). Delve deeper for the best treasures, but going deeper is riskier; one slip and the protagonist dies, permanently, no resurrections, savegame deleted. No going back to an earlier save either, doing so marks your file and all records of your character will vanish on game over or winning.

Moria is based on the design of Rogue (it is a clone that shares no code or data with Rogue) but has notable variations in gameplay. Most significant is the 6 shops on the surface that the protagonist may visit to buy [i]and sell[/i] equipment, supplies, armor, weapons, scrolls, books, potions, and magical items. The surface is only one screen in size, not really an 'overworld' like in Angband and other roguelikes based on this game. UNIX Moria also served as inspiration for the design of Diablo. Moria was created using VMS Pascal ("Moria") when Robert Alan Koeneke and Jimmey Wayne Todd found that Rogue, their addiction at the time, was not available on VAX-11/780 minicomputers. UNIX Moria (umoria) is a port of "Moria" written in C language. Many subsequent ports and forks of "Moria" were based on umoria. The original license permitting sharing and modification but not commercial use. At some point, an agreement was reached by every person who ever maintained Moria to release its source code under the GPL license. Linux umoria has since become the standard version of sorts and is even called "Moria" by the current maintainer. Although, it is still a actively maintained VAX/VMS game.
Shredder 9 Linux Shredder? labelminimizeminimize
Rogue (Rogue: Dungeons of Doom;Rogue 5.3;LinuxRogue) author1992If this really is a clone as the name "Rogue Clone" suggests, then we can NOT consider it the same as the [game=#167482]UNIX Rogue[/game]. labelimageminimize
Linux SVGALIB Doom id Software1994id didn't skip too many platforms with DOOM. This is one of their official Linux ports. It is shareware, you'll need a full version of DOOM (from another platform) to use it.

Doom was the first proprietary and commercial game for Linux. However, as it required being downloaded after purchasing another version, it is not a store-shelf product nor is it of any commercial value whatsoever. For those that bought Doom to play it on Linux, this game generated additional sales for DOS (or whatever version was purchased). It was succeeded by [gameid=#80673]Inner Worlds[/game] which was packaged with the DOS version of that game. [game=#50321]Civilization: Call to Power published by Loki Entertainment[/game]would eventually become the first Linux game on store shelves that was not packaged in a product for another operating system.
KMines KMines Team;KDE1996KMines is the classic Minesweeper game. The idea is to uncover all the squares without blowing up any mines. When a mine is blown up, the game is over. labelimagesubject
Yiff! for x11 author1999 labelminimizeminimize
Circus Linux! (circuslinux) New Breed Software2000One and two player cooperative or competitive play. Support for Keyboard, Mouse, Joystick and Paddle controllers.

Two clowns landing on their side of a teeter totter will continue alternately propelling them each upward toward balloons that pop to propel them further upward in a chain reaction as long as the clown do not miss a balloon and fall back to the teeter totter. The player moves the teeter totter for aiming at balloons and catching falling clowns. In two player modes, a player controls the teeter totter when their clown is flying.
FreedroidRPG (Freedroid;Freedroid RPG) the Freedroid team2002Freedroid RPG is an RPG with isometric graphics. In it, the player
is Tux, who must fight rebelling robots in order to restore peace to
humankind. To do so,Tux may take over robots in a minigame based off the
classic game Paradroid, or may simply blast them to pieces with a weapon.

Note that this is not the same game as Freedroid, also available in Debian.
Linux Lunar Lander (LLL) author2003 labelminimizeminimize
Linux Shuttle Lander (Linux Space Shuttle Landing Simulation) author2003 labelminimizeminimize
Linux Tycoon Lunduke2012Linux Tycoon.
The idea is simple: You design and manage your own distribution of Linux and compete against other Distro’s.
Here’s a sample of just a few of the exciting things you’ll be doing while playing Linux Tycoon:
[list][*]Analyzing and selecting software packages.
[*]Fixing Bugs.
[*]Managing volunteers and paid staff.
[*]Keeping the total size (in MB) of your Distro at a reasonable level.
[*]And so much more![/list]
Seriously though. It is fun. (It is a game, after all. You don’t actually fix bugs yourself.)
Basically take all the fun parts of building your own Linux Distro... and take out all the work. Bam! Instant entertainment!
[spoiler= ; ] [/spoiler]
Linux is Badass ?2016 labelminimizeminimize