showing 6 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
Star Control II: The Ur-Quan Masters  Accolade (Toys for Bob)2002 2150s 22ndcentury aliens amoeboids antivillain apocalyptic astrophysics autozoom beamweapons callisto cannons combatmode crystalentities deadends dimensionaltravel download drone earth energyweapons europa extraterrestrial fuel future ganymede humanoids inorganics insectoids interactivedialogs io jupiter linux luna machinecivilization mars mercury metagaming miscommunication mycoids neptune neutralnpcs perverts plantcreatures pluto precursors progressingworld resourceharvesting saturn sentientplants shopping slavery space spacecraft spacecraft-medium spacefaringage speciesuplift starcontrol starfishaliens suicideattackers superguns timelimit titanmoon tritonmoon unattendedevents universallanguage uranus uvl-searchelp venus warptravel xenophobia labelminimizeminimize
The Ur-Quan Masters  Interstellar Frungy League (Interstellar Frungy League;Toys For Bob)2002 2150s 22ndcentury 3rdmillennium aliens amoeboids antivillain apocalyptic astrophysics autozoom beamweapons callisto cannons combatmode crystalentities dimensionaltravel download drone earth energyweapons europa evilisgood extraterrestrial fuel future ganymede humanoids inorganics insectoids interactivedialogs io jupiter luna mars mercury metagaming miscommunication mycoids neptune neutralnpcs perverts plantcreatures pluto precursors progressingworld resourceharvesting saturn sdl secondaryconflict sentientplants shopping slavery space spacecraft spacecraft-medium spacefaringage starcontrol starfishaliens suicideattackers superguns timelimit titanmoon tritonmoon ubuntu universallanguage uranus uvl-searchelp venus warptravel xenophobia labelimageminimize
From Dust Ubisoft (Ubisoft Montpellier)2012 alienanimals ambientcreatures bink browser changingenvironment collective depthoffield drm drm-login drm-online erosion flood geokinesis giantworms gnacl godgame humidity hydrokinesis island launcher lava liquidphysics magic music-theme naturaldisasters nonnative precursors screenshake search serialkey sorcery spreadingvegetation structurerelocation subtropic terraindeformation tides tribals volcanic wasteland wildfire wildlife zoom labelminimizeminimize
Serious Sam 3: BFE  Devolver Digital (Croteam)2012 22ndcentury achievements achievements-public achillesheelfoes africa alieninvasion alienmenace aliens alone anticipatorysightings anticipatorystockpiles apocalyptic assaultrifles bludgeons bombs bossbattles centauroids chainreactions chargers city city-cairo-eg city-karnak-eg city-luxor-eg colossi commercial cyborgs dark-limited destructibleenvironment desura distortedvision download earth egypt encounters-popup energyweapons environmentalaudio excavation exoticweapons fallbackweapon finishingmoves firstpersonshooter future gianthumanoids giantmonsters giants giantworms gibs gore grotesque handcannons handguns helicopters indie ingamecinematics insectoids instantkillers itemglow jetpack jumping knockback ladders lamp latestart license-proprietary lostequipment lutris machineguns macho magic mode-survival monsters mp-cooperative museum npcdeflection nudity oopitems openended overheal precisionrifles precursors ragers reload-auto reload-manual remotedetonators rockets rotaryguns ruins score screenshake screenstaining secrets sequelhook seriousengine serioussam shotguns skeletons splatter steampowered suicideattackers swarmers temple throwback translator turrets ubuntu walking walkingarmory wallcrawlers labelimageminimize
Serious Sam 3: Jewel of the Nile author (Croteam)2012 22ndcentury achievements achievements-public achillesheelfoes africa alieninvasion alienmenace aliens alone anticipatorysightings anticipatorystockpiles apocalyptic assaultrifles bludgeons bombs bossbattles centauroids chainreactions chargers city city-cairo-eg city-karnak-eg city-luxor-eg colossi commercial cyborgs dark-limited destructibleenvironment distortedvision download earth egypt encounters-popup energyweapons environmentalaudio excavation exoticweapons fallbackweapon finishingmoves future gianthumanoids giantmonsters giants giantworms gibs gore grotesque handcannons handguns helicopters ingamecinematics insectoids instantkillers island itemglow jetpack jumping knockback ladders lamp latestart license-proprietary lostequipment machineguns macho magic mode-survival monsters mp-cooperative museum npcdeflection nudity oopitems openended overheal precisionrifles precursors reload-auto reload-manual remotedetonators rockets rotaryguns ruins score screenshake screenstaining secrets sequelhook serioussam shotguns skeletons splatter steampowered suicideattackers swarmers temple throwback translator turrets ubuntu walking wallcrawlers labelminimizeminimize
Serious Sam VR: The Last Hope Devolver Digital (Croteam)2017 alienmenace aliens alientechnology alone anticipatorystockpiles arenafpstps arid armyofone autorun bloodmist bossbattles cannons canyon chainreactions chargers chargingweapons chosenone city city-karnak-eg city-memphis-eg city-thebes-eg cloakednpcs colossi commercial cyborgs difficulty doors download dualwielding earth egypt egyptian-theme elevators eliteprotagonist encounters-popup enemyhealthdisplay energyweapons fallbackweapon firearms flyingsaucers giantmonsters gibs gore graphicdeaths grenadelaunchers grenades-bouncy handcannons handguns harpies healthpickups idlenoise indie interspecificconflict itemget itempickup-auto itempickup-ignore jumping knockback laserbolts laserweapons license-proprietary machineguns macho magic militantprotagonist monsters mookrush mp-cooperative mp-dm multibarrelguns mystics npcfriendlyfire oopitems openal openended overheal overkill overpenetration past playerteasing precursors prematuredetonation pyramid rain rocketjumping rockets rotaryguns sauroids score secrets secrets-harmful secrets-spots sequelhook seriousengine serioussam shotguns splatter splittingcreatures submachineguns suicideattackers swarmers swimming temple temporalincursion throwback titlementioned titularcharacter twitchshooter underwaterdiving voicechat walking walkingarmory wasteland waterjumping labelminimizeminimize