showing 9 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Bandits: Phoenix Rising Linux Game Publishing? labelminimizeminimize
Disciples II: Dark Prophecy Strategy First;Linux Game Publishing (Strategy First)?ID: 12 (LGP)
A proprietary commercial game.
Deity RPG -2000The project was hosted on Geocities and has since gone down, so playing this or getting its source code is extremely unlikely.***For Linux/x11 systems. Needs Gtk+ and Imlib2. labelimageminimize
Unreal II: eXpanded MultiPlayer Atari Inc (Legend Entertainment Company)2003This is a proprietary game.
Legend Entertainment Company went bankrupt before this game was finished. But it was still obscurely published. Some data was also salvaged from the game and released with Unreal II: The Awakening (Special Edition).
Arkhart Nekeme Productions2004Development ceased in March 2005 or shortly after (last actual release was in April 2003), sources and data files available from repository. labelimageminimize
Accelerator Philip Allison2005Latest version: 0.1.1 (as of 2005-12-26) labelminimizeminimize
Theory of Magicity -2009Magic implemented as a physics-like system rather than a list of spells, incantations, and reagents. labelminimizesubject
Jack Claw Frozenbyte2011[media=youtube]eaAPnW0e-vA[/media] labelminimizeminimize
Indivisible 505 Games (Lab Zero Games)2015 labelminimizeminimize