showing 7 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
Eschalon: Book II  My Game Company;Basilisk Games (Basilisk Games)2010 adv-ptdistr adv-static amnesia amoeboids animals aspectratio-4-3 automap axes blitzmax bludgeons bodyarmor bows capacity-weight cave characterbackground charactercreation chemistry circadiancycle civilianprotagonist color-16bit color-32bit combatstyles commercial containers criminalactivity customengine damagetypes dark-limited demo desura dialog-sentences discriminatingcustomers disease display-1024x768 doors doors-breakable download dwarves dynamicweather energyitems energyregen energyregen-slow episodic eschalonseries explosiveobjects femaleprotagonist fofindicator forest freeexpansions genderchoice genderdifference ghosts giantanimals giantinsects giantrats giantrodents giantspiders gog graverobbing grid grid-square healingitems healthregen healthregen-slow hunger indie ineptveteran insectoids interactivetriggers interrupting inventory itemdurability itemidentification jewelry keys knives lamp leveluprestoration license-proprietary limitedcapacity lockpicking magic magicrings maleprotagonist meleeweapons mine minimap minotaurs mintlinux monsters music-ambient music-orchestral neutralmonsters nodrm npcgenerators obscuredtime openal opengl optionaltasks outlaws overburdening passive polearms potions pressureplates protagonistnaming pyrokinesis randomdamage randomizedattributes repairing resting ruins saveanywhere scrolls secrets secretsociety shallowwater shopping skeletons sorcery staticresolution stealing stealth stealth-sound steampowered subterranean swords taskfailure tasktracker teleporters thirst thoroughfares thrownweapons titlementioned town toxins trapdisarming traps trespassing ubuntu unarmedfighting undead vandalism variableabilitypower variableactionpower waiting walking weathereffects weefolk wolves x86 xaudio xp-deeds xp-kills zombies labelimageminimize
Mr.President! Game Developer X2016 commercial download indie license-proprietary secretsociety steampowered ubuntu labelminimizeminimize
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Square Enix (Eidos Montréal;Feral Interactive)2016 2020s 21stcentury 3rdmillennium actionrpg commercial cyberpunk deusex dystopian firstpersonshooter future license-proprietary openworld secretsociety stealth steamos steampowered transhumanism ubuntu x86 x86-64 labelminimizeminimize
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - A Criminal Past Square Enix (Eidos Montréal;Feral Interactive)2017 2020s 21stcentury 3rdmillennium actionrpg commercial cyberpunk deusex dystopian firstpersonshooter future license-proprietary openworld secretsociety stealth steamos steampowered transhumanism ubuntu x86 x86-64 labelminimizeminimize
Fidget Spinner author2017 2.5d commercial download indie license-proprietary mmog parody secretsociety steampowered ubuntu labelminimizeminimize
Stay! Stay! Democratic People's Republic of Korea!  DEVGRU-P2017 commercial datingsim download indie license-proprietary nudity parody secretsociety steampowered ubuntu visualnovel labelminimizeminimize
Rise of the Tomb Raider Square Enix;Feral Interactive (Crystal Dynamics;Feral Interactive)2018 aircontrol animals archeologistprotagonist assaultrifles balancebeams bossbattles bows britain cave clothingchanges contemporaryfantasy crafting dark-limited deathpits denuvo england femaleprotagonist filmgrain fxaa glowsticks grapplinghook handguns hbao hunting iceaxe immortals inbuilttraps infiniteresources ladders lamp ledges lostequipment mercenaries militarybase mine motionblur mountain optionaltasks physics postcreditsscene precisionrifles present resourceharvesting resourcerespawning revolvers rewardingvandalism ruins russia screenshake secretsociety sequelhook shotguns siberia slowmotion smaa ssaa ssao stealth steampowered submachineguns syria tombraider tombraider-2013 upgradesystem wilderness wildlife wintery wolves ziplines labelminimizeminimize