showing 1 - 50 of 236 gameschevron_leftchevron_right

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardgame typetags
Astro Empires Cybertopia Studios?simulation manag./econ. Science Fiction space spacecraft labelminimizeminimize
Black of Space Master Nerd Guy?strategy 4xstrategy grandscale license-gpl space spacecraft labelminimizeminimize
Caverns of Fire Tomato Games?shooter difficulty java jgameengine landing langinsignificant opengl score spacecraft labelminimizeminimize
ColdFire Lazysodz?shooter space spacecraft spaceflight labelminimizeminimize
DarkWorld author?strategy mmog space spacecraft labelminimizeminimize
Enemy Lines 5  author?shooter Science Fiction cpplanguage langinsignificant license-gpl opengl sdl space spacecraft labelminimizeminimize
Epic Rocks Neotron Games?shooter license-gpl space spacecraft labelminimizeminimize
Epoch Carnegie Mellon University?adventure Science Fiction grid grid-hex panda3d space spacecraft labelminimizesubject
Forsaken Sanctum author?role-play Fantasy Science Fiction 2110s 2120s 2130s 2140s 2150s 2160s 2170s 2180s 2190s 22ndcentury alcohol aliens axes bizarrecreatures carnivorousplants city classbased disarming extraterrestrial firearms forest future gangs gunslingers handguns humanoids humans knives magic meleeweapons mine monsters naturalistic-vague otherworld postapocalypse space spacecraft spacestation swords techdisparity technomagic undead walking wildboars zombies labelimageminimize
Gentor 915 Szatkus?shooter Science Fiction langinsignificant opengl sdl space spacecraft labelminimizeminimize
Glaxium author?shooter Science Fiction opengl spacecraft labelminimizeminimize
GNUfo -?shooter Science Fiction alieninvasion aliens fixedshooter sdl spacecraft labelminimizeminimize
Goodgame Galaxy GoodGame Studios?strategy Science Fiction free2play mmog space spacecraft labelminimizeminimize
Griblade stuckieGAMEZ?platformer shooter Science Fiction energyweapons space spacecraft labelminimizeminimize
Insecticide author?shooter fixedshooter fungus-agaric java jgameengine langinsignificant opengl score scorpions spacecraft spiders labelminimizeminimize
Max Fighter author?shooter Science Fiction asteroids openal opengl pirates sdl space spacecraft vorbis labelminimizeminimize
Onyx JW Games?shooter flight Science Fiction asteroids earth license-gpl mars opengl outerspaceracing solsystem space spacecraft labelminimizeminimize
Open Space Shooter author?shooter Science Fiction asteroids fixedshooter sdl space spacecraft uvl-confusable labelminimizeminimize
Rafkill author?shooter langinsignificant score space spacecraft labelminimizeminimize
Really Rather Good Battles In Space author?strategy opengl sdl space spacecraft labelminimizeminimize
Rock Dodger author?action/reflex langinsignificant sdl spacecraft labelminimizeminimize
Scum of the Universe GuacoSoft?shooter simulation flight manag./econ. fuel opengl otherworld space spacecraft trading labelminimizeminimize
SOL author?simulation flight cpplanguage earth opengl space spacecraft spaceflight uvl-confusable labelminimizeminimize
Space Run  author?action/reflex shooter claiming java jgameengine langinsignificant lives manicshooter opengl score space spacecraft uvl-confusable labelminimizeminimize
Space Run II author?action/reflex shooter claiming java jgameengine langinsignificant lives manicshooter opengl score space spacecraft labelminimizeminimize
Space Run III author?action/reflex shooter caveflying claiming java jgameengine langinsignificant lives manicshooter opengl score space spacecraft subterranean labelminimizeminimize
Space Ship Challenge author?maze Science Fiction mapgenerator sdl spacecraft labelminimizesubject
Space Shooter devgames?shooter commercial download langinsignificant space spacecraft uvl-confusable labelminimizeminimize
Sparklet author?maze shooter Science Fiction flatspace langinsignificant opengl space spacecraft labelminimizeminimize
Star Shooter III Hippo?shooter license-gpl opengl spacecraft labelminimizeminimize
Starshit Xtreme YuKaSOFT?shooter Science Fiction aliens future langcastellano langinsignificant spacecraft labelminimizeminimize
StarTrade Fetzgames?simulation flight manag./econ. space spacecraft trading labelminimizeminimize
Stellar Frontier Stardock (author)?shooter mmog realtimestrategy space spacecraft labelminimizeminimize
Strange Adventures in Infinite Space Digital Eel?strategy adventure Science Fiction aliens infinitespace lighthearted norecruiting sdl space spacecraft spacelanes warptravel labelminimizeminimize
StressFreeZone schattenkind?puzzle license-gpl ogre-engine space spacecraft labelminimizeminimize
Tempest in the Aether author?simulation flight role-play 1890s 19thcentury 2ndmillennium aliens alternatetimeline astronavigation books doors earth energyweapons extraterrestrial gaslampfiction handguns humans inventory jupiter laserbolts license-gpl-affero mars mercury mimasmoon mmog morsecode neptune past rayguns robots solsystem spacecraft spaceopera steampunk swords titanmoon uranus venus victorianera labelminimizeminimize
The Babylon Project The Babylon Project?shooter Science Fiction 2250s 2260s 23rdcentury 3rdmillennium aliens babylon5 beamweapons difficulty earth energyweapons extraterrestrial fangame future group healthregen healthregen-stunted ipx license-proprietary mars militantprotagonist missionbased mod solsystem space spacecraft spacecraft-small spaceflight tcpip totalconversion ubuntu warptravel labelimageminimize
The Seventh Game: Precursors G33X Nexus Entertainment?simulation flight strategy Science Fiction shooter commercial crystalspaceengine firstpersonshooter mog space spacecraft spaceflight labelminimizeminimize
Timewave author?shooter Science Fiction bossbattles bullettime langinsignificant license-proprietary sdl space spacecraft time-theme timecompression timecontrol labelminimizeminimize
Trench Run: Audience Interaction Carnegie Mellon University?platformer Science Fiction arg audienceparticipation darkspace dodging energyweapons fangame langinsignificant motiontracking panda3d railshooter robots space spacecraft spacecraft-small spaceflight uvl-confusable voicecontrol war labelminimizesubject
Triplex Invaders author?shooter flatspace langinsignificant opengl pygame pythonlanguage space spacecraft labelminimizeminimize
Twig's In Space LSSU?shooter darkspace entityvnatural langinsignificant sdl space spacecraft labelminimizeminimize
Vector’s Revenge TCKSOFT?shooter space spacecraft labelminimizeminimize
Netrek author1988simulation Science Fiction opensource radar redhat space spacecraft spacecraft-large ubuntu labelimagesubject
xlander author1992simulation flight darkspace extraterrestrial fuel landing langinsignificant latemodernperiod luna moon naturalistic spacecraft spacecraft-small spaceflight x11 labelminimizeminimize
Imperium Pocket Games 4 Me1994strategy turn-based commercial cursesgui download grid grid-square interactivefiction license-gpl mmog slackware space spacecraft ubuntu x11 labelminimizeminimize
Paradise Netrek author1994simulation Science Fiction grandscale radar space spacecraft spacecraft-large labelminimizeminimize
zapem author1995shooter arenashooter fixedshooter license-contradictory license-proprietary license-vague sourcecodeavailable space spacecraft labelminimizesubject
XGalaga author1996shooter Science Fiction alieninvasion commercial fixedshooter sourcecodeavailable space spacecraft ubuntu x11 labelimagesubject
xoids author1996shooter clanguage debian entityvnatural fixedshooter langinsignificant license-gpl rpm space spacecraft ubuntu x11 x86 labelimagesubject
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