showing 7 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtagsdisplay
Forsaken Sanctum author? 2110s 2120s 2130s 2140s 2150s 2160s 2170s 2180s 2190s 22ndcentury alcohol aliens axes bizarrecreatures carnivorousplants city classbased disarming extraterrestrial firearms forest future gangs gunslingers handguns humanoids humans knives magic meleeweapons mine monsters naturalistic-vague otherworld postapocalypse space spacecraft spacestation swords techdisparity technomagic undead walking wildboars zombies textured polygonslabelimageminimize
Galaxy Mage Redux  author? bodyarmor bows castle chargedattack classbased explosives firearms fogofwar future gentoo grenades group humans inventory jumping knights magic monsters mystics opengl potions pygame pythonlanguage shields sorcery superpowers tactical techdisparity technomagic therianthropes walking war wasteland werewolves flat polygonslabelminimizeminimize
FreedroidRPG  the Freedroid team2002 1life 2150s 22ndcentury 3rdmillennium adv-ptdistr attrbasedeq autorun bloodless bodyarmor containers cybernetics cyberpunk doors download earth firearms future gentoo healthregen-slow humans improvisedweapons inventory itemdurability itempickup-normal knives license-gpl lineofsight lutris meleeweapons naturalistic opengl platformreference postapocalypse rewardingvandalism robots sdl shopping socketables stamina subterranean swords technomagic tutorial ubuntu walking xp-kills rasterlabelimagesubject
Tron 2.0 TransGaming Technologies (Monolith Productions)2004 adv-ptdistr bossbattles energyweapons falldamage healingitems lithtechengine precisionrifles shotguns technomagic tron upgrades uvl-tiein xp-kills textured polygonslabelminimizeminimize
Fall of Imiryn  author2007 adv-progress adv-static annchientaengine beach birds bizarrecreatures bleak bossbattles combatmode containers cpplanguage dragons dragons-western drugs encounters-popup encounters-random energyitems fishing friendlyfire giantinsects giantspiders goblins grenades group healingitems humanoids inventory inventory-indisposable island landcephalopods license-gpl loot-random magic meleeweapons militantprotagonist mollusk monsters mutants obsoletedassets octopus opengl otherworld pirates polearms potions rapidmovementplants realtimecombat savepoints scorpions sdl seamonsters serious staves subterranean swords tanks techdisparity technomagic titlementioned tragicending treachery treants ubuntu undefinedlocomotion unrootedplants walking wintery rasterlabelimageminimize
Megamagic: Wizards of the Neon Age BeautiFun Games2016 drm gog hazardouspowers humblewidget magic monsters neon nodrm prologue sorcery summoning technomagic timeskip tutorial urbanfantasy rasterlabelminimizeminimize
Vaporum: Lockdown Fatbot Games2020 adv-objects adv-ptdistr bludgeons classbased deathpits diaries disguisedtriggers doors dualwielding dungeoncrawler energyitems energyregen environmentalpuzzle femaleprotagonist firearms gog gridmove handguns healingitems hitchance insectoids inventory itemglow keys mutants phlebotinum powerarmor precisionrifles premadeprotagonist robots sciencefantasy secrets secrets-mandatory shotguns statuseffects steampowered swords technomagic teleport titlementioned traproom unity-engine xp-kills xp-objects textured polygonslabelminimizeminimize