showing 3 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtagsdisplaydescription
Amnesia: The Dark Descent Frictional Games2010 1830s 18thcentury actionadventure adaptation-sight amnesia amnesia-series angelscript anxiety argevent autosavepoints biogrowth castle cloakednpcs commercial containers controlconfig controlloss cpplanguage crepuscularrays dark defenseless demo desura diaries distortedvision dollyzoom download drm earth europe fearofnothing femaleprotagonist firelighter flashbacks gog grantfunded hallucinations healingitems health-multi hiding hpl2engine hplengine humblebundle immobilewater indoors insects interlinkedlevels inventory inventory-indisposable involuntaryactions jumping keys kingdomofprussia laboratory lamp lamp-powered leaning leveleditor library license-crossplatform license-proprietary limitedsupplies lutris manualinteraction mapdeficient midastouch newtongamedynamics nixstaller nodrm nordicgameprogram openal opengl pacifisthorror paranormal past playerprofiles psychologicalhorror quake quitsave rating-esrb-m retrypoints ruins runningcommentary screenshake sdl secrets secrets-mandatory sequence-escape serious shallowwater sightavoidance siminsanity singularlocale stealth stealth-light stealth-sight steampowered survivalhorror tasktracker theora tutorial-integrated ubuntu uvl-descriptionincomplete vorbis walking windy x86 textured polygons[media=youtube]XyufyrmFFOg[/media]
[media=youtube]3QSUDJfWL2I[/media]***Latest version: 1.0.1 (as of 2010-09-22)***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Any 2010 distro
* 2 GHz CPU
* 1 GB RAM
* Radeon 9600 or GeForce FX GPU
* 2.1 GB HD space

* Linux distribution released in 2010
* 2 GB RAM
* GeForce 6 series or Radeon HD GPU
[Frictional Games]
Darksiders THQ (Vigil Games)2015 achillesheelfoes actionadventure aftertheend airdash alienearth alteredreality angelofdeath angels antiheroprotagonist apocalyptic autorun autosavepoints autumnal backtracking balance-theme blocking bonusbosses boomerangs bossbattles burrowers captives cave cemetery changinggoals chargers city collectibles colorcodednpcs colossi combomoves counselor counterattacks darksiders-series dashing deathworld demons difficulty dimensionaltravel dissolvingcorpses dodging doors doors-autoclosing download earth elevators endlessconflict endtime energyweapons environmentalpuzzle equipmentexperience fallimpact fasttravel finishingmoves flood flyingislands fmod fourhorsemen gianthumanoids giantmonsters giants giantshoulderpads giantspiders giantworms gliding gore grapplinghook gryphons hackandslash handguns havokphysics hellscape hud-dynamic hugeweapons humanoidprotagonist improvisedweapons indevelopment inorganics insectoids interactivetriggers juggernauts jumping keys knockback ladders lostpowers macho magic magicaltechnology magneticshoulders medieval meleeweapons metroidvania midairjumping monkeybars monsters mythicfigure naga neutralmonsters nofalldamage northamerica obligation openended paradise pawn portals postapocalypse powerthrow quicktimeevent rage recurringopponent revenge rewardingvandalism riding robots ruins scaleform sciencefantasy screenshake scythes secrets sequelhook simulacrums singlesave sorcery souls splatter subway supermode supernaturalprotagonist swarmers sweepingstrikes swimming swords targetlock tasteofpower teleporters temple temporarycompanions thedestroyer thrownweapons timeskip traproom tunnels tutorial tutorial-forced tutorial-integrated undead underwaterdiving unlimitedammo upgradesystem walking wasteland waterjumping weaponexperience wellofsouls textured polygons labelminimizeminimize
Penumbra: Necrologue CounterCurrent Games2015 1830s 18thcentury actionadventure adaptation-sight amnesia amnesia-series angelscript anxiety argevent autosavepoints biogrowth castle cloakednpcs commercial containers controlconfig controlloss crepuscularrays dark defenseless diaries distortedvision dollyzoom download drm earth europe fearofnothing firelighter flashbacks hallucinations healingitems health-multi hiding hpl2engine hplengine immobilewater indoors insects interlinkedlevels inventory inventory-indisposable involuntaryactions jumping keys kingdomofprussia laboratory lamp lamp-powered leaning library license-proprietary limitedsupplies manualinteraction mapdeficient midastouch newtongamedynamics nodrm openal opengl paranormal past playerprofiles psychologicalhorror quake quitsave retrypoints ruins screenshake sdl secrets secrets-mandatory sequence-escape serious shallowwater sightavoidance siminsanity stealth stealth-light stealth-sight steampowered survivalhorror tasktracker theora totalconversion tutorial-integrated ubuntu vorbis walking windy x86 textured polygons labelminimizeminimize