showing 8 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
The Last Alliance Wildfire Games? archaicearth arda book dwarves earth elves fangame giantwolves goblinoids highfantasy indevelopment lotr noncanon oliphaunts orcs realtimecombat treants uchronia weefolk labelminimizesubject
King's Quest I  Tierra;AGDI (Tierra)2001 clickadventure controllablehelplessness deathtraps guardprotagonist highbornprotagonist kingsquest langicelandic magical metagaming militantprotagonist ubuntu uchronia widescreen labelimagesubject
King's Quest II: Romancing the Stones  Tierra;AGDI (Tierra)2002 ♫greensleeves arabiannights clickadventure deathtraps highbornprotagonist kingsquest magical medieval metagaming noncanon plethoraofreferences pumpkin refwhitesnake robinhood ubuntu uchronia werewolves labelimagesubject
FAAngband  author2003 ancientenemy archaicearth arda arda-1stage dwarves earth elves fangame femaleprotagonist genderchoice halflings highfantasy lotr maleprotagonist monsters uchronia weefolk labelminimizeminimize
J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings Vol. I author (Interplay;author)2003 3.5disk 5.25disk archaicearth arda book cdrom cpplanguage dataexport engineremake flac group halflings highfantasy humanoidprotagonist jackaudio keyboard license-lgpl license-proprietary lotr mouse openal pulseaudio pythonlanguage sdl sdl-mixer spu-gm uchronia vorbis weefolk weefolkprotagonist xml labelminimizeminimize
Windward Tasharen Entertainment2012 17thcentury ageofsail cannons commercial download drm earth free gog license-proprietary licensechange mapgenerator naturalistic nodrm obscurerelease ocean past steampowered ubuntu uchronia warfare-sea watercraft watercraft-large labelimagesubject
Brütal Legend  Double Fine Productions2013 actionadventure alienearth automap autosavepoints axes bikers bizarrecreatures bleepcensor blocking bossbattles buddhaengine cave chargedattack circadiancycle civilianprotagonist cleargame clingers collectibles combomoves commercial customengine cyborgs demonicmenace demons depthoffield desura difficulty digitizedvideo dodging download driving dynamicweather earth energyregen fanservice fog fromanothertime fxaa giantspiders gog gore group group-leader hackandslash healthregen healthregen-fast healthvisualization healthwarning hud-dynamic humblebundle hybridprotagonist indie ingamecinematics license-proprietary liveactors magic meleeweapons mintlinux monsters music-metal music-theme nohealthdisplay objectiveindicator optionaltasks past prerenderedcinematics prerenderedingamecinematics riding sequence-defend sequence-timed smokes sorcery spindlycharacters splatter ssaa ssao steampowered summoning temporarycompanions timeskip trampling ubuntu uchronia undead upgradesystem volcanic walking wetland wildlife wintery x86 labelminimizeminimize
Unrest KISS (Pyrodactyl)2014 ancientindia boxed commercial crowdfunded download drm earth femaleprotagonist gamesrepublic gog humblewidget india license-proprietary multiprotagonists namelessprotagonist naturalistic nodrm opengl serious steampowered uchronia labelminimizeminimize