showing 1 game

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Mountain Double Fine (author)2014The announcement
[media=youtube]FpObFKcyLJ8[/media]***At first I read the information on the web about this game and it sounded as if it a neglected niche market that was before tamagochi players and after pet rock owners. I figured a 16K UHD (8640p) 48 inch Electrophoretic Color Display (when these became affordable) framed and hung in my living room would be the best place for it.
However, after seeing [url=]David OReilly's presentation[/url] I realized the product has interaction, there are features to unlock, causes to effect. It is on the outside definition of a game. But it is still more of a game than [game=#162665]Narcissu[/game] (which is often accepted as such). And it's minimally subversive (kind of an artistic necessity). I couldn't tell you exactly what, but this guy has probably started something at least as noteworthy as [game=#19073]Kings Quest[/game], [game=#34]Centipede[/game], [game=#173178]Passage[/game], or [game=#107889]Seven Cities of Gold[/game]. However, I'm still looking forward to decorating my wall with this first of the new. "You only live once, buy Picassos whenever possible." Right? $1 is way more than possible for me.