showing 11 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardgame type
Ghostbusters II Park Productions?platformer shooter Science Fiction labelminimizeminimize
Bestowers of Eternity author2003adventure Fantasy labelminimizeminimize
İstanbul Efsaneleri  Raks New Media (SiliconWorx)2005role-play Fantasy Humorous labelminimizesubject
Ghostbusters II Park Productions2007action/reflex adventure labelminimizeminimize
Killing Fate author2013adventure Horror labelminimizesubject
Metro: Last Light  Deep Silver (4A Games)2013action/reflex shooter Fantasy Horror Science Fiction labelminimizeminimize
Munster Academy author2014adventure Fantasy labelminimizeminimize
Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered Quantic Dream2015action/reflex adventure Horror labelminimizeminimize
METRO 2033 Redux  Deep Silver (4A Games)2015shooter Horror Science Fiction labelminimizeminimize
Silent Hill 3  author2016adventure Fantasy Horror labelminimizeminimize
Megamagic: Wizards of the Neon Age BeautiFun Games2016action/reflex role-play Fantasy Cartoon labelminimizeminimize