showing 3 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddisplaydescription
Rijn the Specpyre in... Manor of the Damned! The Hideout2011raster labelminimizeminimize
The Visitor OokamiKasumi2012raster labelminimizeminimize
BloodNet  Retroism (Microprose)2014rasterIn the next century, online services like this one will have evolved into the global network of Cyberspace. This virtual world has a life of its own -- but where there is life, there are predators.

And where humans are the prey, the ultimate predator is Nosferatu: the VAMPIRE.

MicroProse introduces a savage new role-playing title:


High technology meets blackest evil in this cyberpunk vampire adventure. You play the role of Ransom Stark, an ex-corporate hacker and mercenary who's been transformed into a vampire -- and wants revenge. To rid yourself of this curse, you must brave the streets of 21st-century Manhattan, where cyberpunks, rage gangers, and mercenaries rule. More, you must plumb the secrets of the bizarre virtual reality of Cyberspace as you combat both the vampires and the TransTechnicals megacorporation, the company that owns the cybernet. How long can you last before you give in to the thirst for blood?

BLOODNET is a sophisticated, hard-hitting game rendered in the unique Hallucinographic(TM) art style. With mature content for older players, BLOODNET surfs the edge of popular culture... and beyond.