showing 6 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardpersp.description
Tempest in the Aether author?cd labelminimizeminimize
Star Control II: The Ur-Quan Masters  Accolade (Toys for Bob)2002ae labelminimizeminimize
The Ur-Quan Masters  Interstellar Frungy League (Interstellar Frungy League;Toys For Bob)2002ae labelimageminimize
Pioneer author2011cd labelminimizeminimize
Tasty Planet Dingo Games2011aPlay as a tiny life form constructed of bacterium and other stuff; designed as a sentient spec to clean dirt from bathrooms. But, you can eat almost anything smaller than you (not just dirt) and eating makes you grow. There's initially no upper limit to your size but, colliding with anything you cannot eat will make you smaller in proportion to how hard it strikes. For instance, you cannot eat a speeding bullet or a laser beam (until these things are too small to be seen). labelminimizesubject
GUN GODZ Vlambeer2016c labelminimizeminimize