showing 4 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Aliens versus Predator  Fox Interactive (Rebellion)? labelminimizeminimize
Aliens versus Predator  Rebellion (Icculus)2001 labelminimizeminimize
Arx Libertatis  ? (Arkane Studios;Zenimax;Arx Libertatis)2011The name is Latin and loosely means "Fatal Castle" and very literally means "The Castle of Fatal"
Likewise, Arx Libertatis means "The Castle of Liberty"***Arx Libertatis is a cross-platform port of the GPLed Arx Fatalis first-person
role-playing game. This package only includes the game executable - you will
also need the data files from the original game.

Besides the data files, this is all that is needed to run the game, but
installing the main arx-libertatis package to get the arxcrashreporter is
recommended.***[spoiler=Show install;close][media=youtube]RHN01tlPpjo[/media][/spoiler]
Arx – End Of Sun NeurologicalTBA labelminimizeminimize