showing 12 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardgame type
Dicta Boelcke BundSoft Videogame Works?simulation flight labelminimizeminimize
gallipoli: the game dodgyville?platformer puzzle labelminimizeminimize
Curse You! Red Baron  Sierra On-Line (Dynamix)1999simulation flight Historical labelminimizeminimize
Flying Guns author2004shooter simulation flight labelminimizeminimize
American History Lux My Game Company;Sillysoft Games (Sillysoft Games)2009strategy labelimagesubject
Memoir ’44 Online Days of Wonder2011strategy turn-based Historical labelminimizeminimize
Dogfight Elite Echoboom Apps2013simulation flight edutainment Historical labelminimizeminimize
Verdun BlackMill Games;M2H2014Historical shooter labelminimizeminimize
Battle of Empires: 1914-1918 Best Way Soft (Great War Team)2016strategy Historical labelminimizeminimize
Making History: The Great War Muzzy Lane Software2016simulation strategy edutainment turn-based Historical labelminimizeminimize
Para Bellum Z.agge2016labelminimizeminimize
Tannenberg Blackmill Games ;M2H2017labelminimizeminimize