showing 9 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Vault Dash Interplay Entertainment2003 labelminimizeminimize
Dofus Ankama Games2004[b]Classes:[/b]
* Ecaflip
* Sadida
* Eniripsa
* Osamodas
* Iop
* Enutrof
* Cra
* Sram
* Feca
* Xélor
* Sacrier
* Pandawa***For some odd reason most (all?) of the class names are actual words or brand names spelled backwards.***DOFUS is a 2D Tactical MMORPG with turn-based fights. Players evolve in a Heroic Fantasy universe, cartoon like design and full of humour. They are looking to find out the 6 DOFUS - Magic dragons eggs - which deliver an absolute power to their owner. DOFUS also has hundred of features and a large variety of quests, items and original spells.
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy BBC (Infocom;BBC)2004 labelminimizeminimize
WarpFire Gameforge2007Mix of browser-based management with Flash driven action/adventure mode. labelimageminimize
Legend: Legacy of the Dragons Waygate Publishing (IT Territory)2007 labelimageminimize
Dofus Arena  Ankama Games2009This is a proprietary game.
This is the Linux specific downloadable client for Dofus.
Tanki Online AlternativaPlatform2009 labelminimizeminimize
Realm of the Mad God  Wild Shadow Studios;Deca Games (Wild Shadow Studios)2010Realm of the Mad God is the first ever cooperative MMO bullet hell shooter. Fight monsters in groups of up to 85 players!

Dodge blasts from devious monsters while you work with friendly teammates to take down the Mad God himself. Realm is a major advance for MMOs, putting dozens of players into the middle of an intense action game straight out of the arcades. The game is free to play; jump in for 5 minutes or stay for hours.

* Action combat! No turn-based battles here, only skilled running and gunning.
* Epic boss battles. Navigate demented waves of bullets from nasty demons.
* True cooperative play. All experience is shared and you win by playing together
* Great 8-bit art: Retro styling straight from the 8-bit era.
* Easy leveling. No mindless grinding. Get better by being becoming better.
* Over a dozen unique character classes. Play as a powerful wizard, a clever mystic, a brawling warrior.
* Loot! Hundreds of weapons, potions, armors, and rings.
* PermaDeath. Dying well means something in Realm. Earn fame if you survive for long enough and kill enough monsters.
* Sheep. The sheep say 'Baa'
Remnants of Skystone Kongregate (Flipline Studios)2010 labelimageminimize