showing 1 game

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Dofus Ankama Games2004[b]Classes:[/b]
* Ecaflip
* Sadida
* Eniripsa
* Osamodas
* Iop
* Enutrof
* Cra
* Sram
* Feca
* Xélor
* Sacrier
* Pandawa***For some odd reason most (all?) of the class names are actual words or brand names spelled backwards.***DOFUS is a 2D Tactical MMORPG with turn-based fights. Players evolve in a Heroic Fantasy universe, cartoon like design and full of humour. They are looking to find out the 6 DOFUS - Magic dragons eggs - which deliver an absolute power to their owner. DOFUS also has hundred of features and a large variety of quests, items and original spells.