showing 6 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddisplaydescription
Amea Armor Games (godlimations)2008raster labelimageminimize
Zombie Hooker Nightmare Adult Swim (This Is Pop)2008rasterWe've all been made very aware of the inevitability of a massive zombie outbreak, bringing death, destruction, and the collapse of global civilization. But up until now, no one has ever asked the hard questions - like what would it be like to be a hooker in the middle of the outbreak? Step into the shoes of Lola, the world's most badass call girl, and turn tricks while busting zombie skulls. labelimagesubject
Infectornator : World Dominator Toge Productions2010rasterInfect people, turn them into zombies, and Dominate the World! labelimagesubject
The Breach Berzerk Studio2010rasterThe story/setting seems to be mixture of Event Horizon and Dead Space. labelimageminimize
Rebuild 2 -2011raster labelminimizeminimize
Infectornator 2 Toge Productions2012rasterSequel to the hit Infectonator series, this new game adds a lot of depth, giving you the control to infect entire continents one by one, more funny characters, better graphics, many things to upgrade, and more! Best of all, it still has the same addictive chain reaction gameplay! Infectonator 2 gives you all the awesomeness of Infecting people, turn them into zombies, and dominating the World once again! labelimagesubject