showing 14 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartags
Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Burning Earth  THQ (THQ Studio Australia)2007 avatarthelastairbender cartoon magic mystics nicktoons labelimageminimize
Avatar: The Last Airbender  THQ (THQ Studio Australia;Studio Oz)2006 avatarthelastairbender cartoon childprotagonist magic multinationalorganization mystics nicktoons renderwareengine labelimagesubject
Ben 10: Alien Force  D3 Publisher (Vicious Cycle Software)2008 aliens ben10 cartoon cartoonnetwork shapeshifting teenprotagonist labelimageminimize
Ben 10: Protector of Earth D3 Publisher (High Voltage Software)2007 aliens ben10 cartoon cartoonnetwork childprotagonist earth shapeshifting labelimageminimize
Bibi Blocksberg: Das grosse Hexenbesen-Rennen 2 Kiddinx Entertainment (Independent Arts)2013 bibiblocksberg-series cartoon femaleprotagonist rating-pegi-3 rating-usk-0 teenprotagonist wiiwheel labelimageminimize
Bibi Blocksberg: Das grosse Hexenbesen-Rennen! Kiddinx Entertainment (Nurogames)2010 bibiblocksberg-series cartoon femaleprotagonist rating-pegi-3 rating-usk-0 teenprotagonist wiiwheel labelimageminimize
Code Lyoko: Quest for Infinity The Game Factory (Neko Entertainment)2007 cartoon codelyoko europe france virtualreality labelimageminimize
Legend of the Dragon  Neko Entertainment (The Game Factory)2007 1on1fighting cartoon labelimageminimize
Nicktoons: Attack of the Toybots  THQ (Blue Tongue Entertainment)2007 cartoon crossover nicktoons labelimageminimize
SpongeBob SquarePants: Creature from the Krusty Krab THQ (Blitz Games)2006 anthropomorphicobjects anthropomorphism cartoon nicktoons spongebob labelimageminimize
SpongeBob's Atlantis Squarepantis THQ (Blitz Games)2007 anthropomorphicobjects anthropomorphism cartoon nicktoons spongebob labelimageminimize
Star Wars The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes  LucasArts (Krome Studios)2009 adv-xpdistr alternatingprotagonist canon cartoon challenges companion deathpits difficulty dodging energyweapons fallbackweapon grenades healthregen healthregen-fast hijacking lightsabers meleeweapons midairjumping militaryfiction powerups psychicpowers psychics rating-esrb-t robots sciencefantasy starwars starwars-skywalker swords tutorial visualizedtrajectory walljumping war xp-kills xp-objects labelimagesubject
The Simpsons Game Electronic Arts (EA Redwood Shores)2007 4thwallbroken cartoon cooperation godfather-engine havokphysics plethoraofreferences thesimpsons videogames labelimageminimize
Totally Spies! Totally Party Ubisoft;Crave (Ubisoft)2008 cartoon rating-esrb-e rating-pegi-3 spyfiction totallyspies labelimageminimize