showing 2 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Ōkami  Capcom (Clover Studio;Ready at Dawn)2008Although some games feel like they were crafted in a paint-by-numbers style, Ōkami paints in a style all its own – and uses the Wii Remote as its brush.***
[12]***Honestly after playing through the PS2 version and the Wii version, the Wii version is easier to play.***Supposedly partially remade due to Clover Studio being closed down prior to release, faded IGN logo has been spotted on the package art, and there's been various other points made how the Wii port is inferior to the original.
Alone in the Dark  Atari (Eden Games;Hydravision)2008Are you afraid of the dark? The spine-chilling videogame franchise Alone in the Dark returns on Wii to test your nerves and survival instincts as you try to make it through the longest night of your life.***