showing 1 game

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtagsdescription
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Nintendo (Nintendo EAD)2011 achillesheelfoes actionadventure aimmode anatomicdamage anticipatorystockpiles autojumping ballistics bathroom bloodless bossbattles bows bridge bullies capacity-unlimited carnivorousplants cemetery chargedattack chiroptera chosenone consistentdamage counselor crawltunnels currency defensebreaking demons dissolvingcorpses doors dreams earth elvenprotagonist elves energyweapons falldamage fallimpact fatigue flying flyingislands forest giantinsects giantscorpions harmfultouch healingitems healthwarning horses humanoidprotagonist independentaim inventory itemdurability itemget itempickup-attract itempickup-auto jumping keys ladders limitedcapacity locationaldamage magic mechanicalvoice meleeweapons militantprotagonist molemen moles monsters mountain nocrosshair periodicdangers plains plantcreatures playerstats potions powerups radialmenu rapidmovementplants rebornprotagonist resting rewardingvandalism riding ropeswinging ruins savepoints secrets sentientartefact shields shopping skeletons skydiving stamina stonemen subterranean swords targetlock timetravel town traproom treants tutorial upgrades-health visions walking wallrunning wasteland wiimotionplus windmills woundless zelda zelda-universe
[104]***This Zelda game features an interface designed arround the Wii MotionPlus. The sword follows the wiimote movements, realistic bow and arrow operation. This necessitates the player selecting left or right handedness for Link for the first time. The development team was a blend of current and past Zelda developers, including Shigeru Miyamoto. Graphics are a combination of style from Wind Waker and Twilight princess and have an impressionist feel inspired by Paul Cézanne's works.

This time Links comes from the heavens down to rid the world below of enemies. The origin of the Master Sword is explained. The Sword is associated with a feminine artificial being. This game is pre-Gannon and takes place before Ocarina of Time and possibly before any other official Zelda game.