showing 2 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardpersp.description
Capucine ? (Supinfogame)2008dCapucine is an exploration / adventure game, formulated as a tale and based on shadow and light opposition.

This game takes place in a fantastic universe where everything is dead. The player controls a child who holds a "capucine". This flower enables her to survive in this desolated world. The little girl can hand on her own life to the surroundings thanks to a beam of light she can cast from her hand. To maintain life, water will be vital. However, the player must be careful not to animate the shadows of the surrounding elements. Indeed, animated shadows will try to steal the flower in order to prevent the child from accomplishing her destiny: revive the World.

Capucine is a project of the students of Supinfogame, developed on PC and thought for the Nintendo Wii.
Ōkami  Capcom (Clover Studio;Ready at Dawn)2008dAlthough some games feel like they were crafted in a paint-by-numbers style, Ōkami paints in a style all its own – and uses the Wii Remote as its brush.***
[12]***Honestly after playing through the PS2 version and the Wii version, the Wii version is easier to play.***Supposedly partially remade due to Clover Studio being closed down prior to release, faded IGN logo has been spotted on the package art, and there's been various other points made how the Wii port is inferior to the original.