showing 2 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility  Marvelous Interactive;Natsume;Rising Star Games (Marvelous Interactive)2007Sample the farming life like never before in Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility for Wii and carve out an alternative life that is relaxing, challenging and, most of all, fun!***
Mercury Meltdown Revolution Atari (Ignition Entertainment)2007Tilt the game world to maneuver the ball mercury through various obstacles and devices arranged in puzzles to make reaching the goal harder. The ball can be split into smaller pieces. Devices allow for coloring the mercury red, green, and blue, and sometimes purple, yellow, or cyan. If there is no device for the required color, it much be achieved by splitting the ball, coloring each, then joining the two colors. Similarly, heat and solidity of the mercury can be manipulated. Various surfaces have different friction, some move or rotate on their own, and some have elasticity.