showing 10 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Zuma Apple Computers;PopCap Games;astraware (PopCap Games)2003For the iPod music player.
Magic Alchemist erdenkriecher.de2010 labelimageminimize
Triple Town Spry Fox2011 labelminimizeminimize
10,000,000  EightyEightGames2012 labelminimizeminimize
Candy Crush Saga King.com2012Candy Crush Saga is a "match three" game, where the core gameplay is based on swapping two adjacent candies among several on the gameboard to make a row or column of at least three matching-colored candies. labelimagesubject
Jewel Match Big Fish Games2013 labelminimizeminimize
Frozen Free Fall Disney2013 labelimageminimize
Fat Princess: Piece of Cake Sony Computer Entertainment (One Loop Games)2014 labelimageminimize
SEGA Heroes Sega (Demiurge Studios)2018 labelminimizeminimize
Call of Antia FunPlus2021 labelminimizeminimize