showing 1 game

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtagsdescription
Heavy Weapon PopCap Games;Tectoy;Zeebo (PopCap Games)2009 arcade tank war weaponupgrades Heavy Weapon is a game of side-scrolling shoot 'em up developed by PopCap Games in 2005 and released for Windows, Macintosh, Xbox 360 (XBLA), PlayStation 3 (PlayStation Network), and in 2009 for Zeebo.***In command of a tank atomic, the game releases adrenaline and action. Arcade style of the 80s, Heavy Weapon brings classic shooter, intuitive interface, several explosions and easy gameplay.

There are 19 missions based on a story of struggle, where you can release 6 different weapons during the game, or even go into action with the Survival Mode.

Are you ready for the furious fun of Heavy Weapon?