showing 20 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtagsdescription
Black Jack For OS/2 ?? blackjack21 cards platformreference labelminimizeminimize
Card Games for OS/2 BMT Micro? cards platformreference uvl-confusable uvl-descriptionincomplete Different game than [game=#177159]this one[/game]
Card Games for OS/2 BMT Micro? cards platformreference uvl-confusable uvl-descriptionincomplete Different game than [game=#177139]this one[/game]

[*]Kin Solitaire
[*]Klondike 104
Doom for OS/2 IBM (IBM;SoftPort)? anticipatorystockpiles backtracking claymation firstpersonshooter graphicdeaths heads oopitems os2-dart os2-dive platformreference prototype id Software initially had no interest in porting DOOM to OS/2, due to many of the operating system's initial gaming barriers. But they gave the DOOM source code to IBM and invited them to do an OS/2 port. IBM decided not to finish their gaming development tools and never got network play running (due to the different way OS/2 did network) and decided not to officially publish the game due to this deficiency. They did however, 'leak' a networkless version of the game (or it was truly a well timed accident). While this was happening, the Windows95 beta with a copy of WinDoom complete with networking was being leaked by Microsoft.
This is the first game to use DIVE and DART. Unlike WinDoom, this version had no limits on screen resolution or color depth.
This package will run any Doom or Doom II .wad file.
Doom for OS/2  ?? claymation firstpersonshooter os2-dive platformreference prototype uvl-descriptionincomplete This is a direct port of WinDoom.
Hexen/2 ?? firstpersonshooter os2-dive platformreference labelminimizeminimize
Kid AlphaPro for OS/2 BMT micro (NEGC Software)? edu-graphemes edu-numbers edu-spelling platformreference labelminimizeminimize
Mahjongg for OS/2 ?? mahjong platformreference traditional labelminimizeminimize
MicroLearn Game Pack, Volume 1  MicroLearn Nordic;IBM? platformreference labelminimizeminimize
Quake 2 for OS/2 ?? demo firstpersonshooter langinsignificant platformreference labelminimizeminimize
Rapid Assault  IBM? platformreference labelminimizeminimize
Shisen for OS/2  ?? platformreference traditional labelminimizeminimize
Tensor for OS/2 Advanced Idea Machines? platformreference labelminimizeminimize
OS2Moria  author1992 1life 2hmeleeweapons adv-static alarmers alcohol alpha amoeboids amphibians ants automap axes beetles beggars bludgeons bodyarmor bossbattles bows capacity-slots capacity-stacks capacity-toolslots capacity-weight centipedes charactercreation chiroptera circadiancycle clanguage classbased containers crossbows currency curseditems dark digging doors doors-breakable download dragonflies elementals elves encounters-literal encounters-random encounters-seen encounters-unseen eviloverlord explosives floatingeyes fogofwar frog fuel fungi gems genderchoice ghosts giantbeetles giantinsects giants giantscorpions gnomes golems haggling halflings harpies healingitems healthregen humans hunger indoors inventory invisiblefoes itempickup-auto itempickup-ignore itempickup-instant javelins jewelry knives lamp liches limitedcapacity lineofsight lockpicking magic magicrings magicweapons maingauche mapgenerator meleeweapons monsters mummies mycoids mystics naga ninja npcteleporting orcs outdoors outlaws perchararelations permadeath pickaxe platformreference polearms prospecting protagonistnaming quitsave racechoice randomdamage randomizedattributes resting roguelike sasquatch saveanywhere scorpions secrets secrets-invisible shields shopping skeletons slings snakes sorcery spears specieschoice stealingnpcs stealth subterranean summoning swords teleport teleporting tilebased town traps trolls unarmedfighting undead vampires walking weefolk whips worms xp-kills zombies labelminimizeminimize
SimCity for OS/2  DUX Software;Maxis;IBM (Maxis;Analysts International Corporation;WinWare Corporation)1994 citybuilding clanguage platformreference simcity labelminimizeminimize
OS/2 TD-Gammon  IBM1995 backgammon platformreference traditional labelminimizeminimize
Star Emperor  IBM (Stardock)1995 cpplanguage platformreference uvl-descriptionincomplete Released as part of IBM's Family FunPak for OS/2

This game is heavily based on Galactic Civilizations. Due to fraud by the publisher of GC, Stardock was cheated out of all royalties. Developing Star Emperor for IBM, was a way to get paid for their work before a successful court case allowed Stardock to take back publishing rights from the fraudulent publisher.
Havoc  IBM1995 packin platformreference labelminimizeminimize
OS/2 Blackjack  IBM1995 blackjack21 packin platformreference labelminimizeminimize
OS/2 Poker  IBM1995 packin platformreference poker labelminimizeminimize