showing 25 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartagsauthor(s)
Alter Ego  Choose Multiple2009 commercial download drm license-proprietary lifesimulation labelimageminimize
Bean Farmer Pinball sausagejohnson2015 commercial cpplanguage download free license-proprietary lives music-bluegrass nodrm orxengine pinball score scoreoriented Cameton Johnson (testing)
Iarwain (special thanks)
Lydesik (special thanks)
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Stuart Gray (music)
Wayne Johnson
BIT.TRIP BEAT Gaijin Games2012 abstract argevent bittrip-series commercial download humblebundle license-proprietary pixelated retro labelminimizeminimize
Braveland Tortuga Team2014 commercial download grid grid-hex license-proprietary magic meleeweapons recruiting steampowered swords throwingknives ubuntu labelimagesubject
CaveExpress CaveProductions? commercial desura dinosaurs download earth humans past physics prehistoric-theme walking labelminimizeminimize
Chuckie Egg Elite Systems2009 claiming commercial instantdeath ladders license-proprietary lives score timelimit labelminimizeminimize
Elysian Shadows Elysian Shadows Team2015 commercial crowdfunded download indie license-proprietary magic nodrm retro labelminimizeminimize
FIA Formula E Championship Simulator  ? (ignite Game Technologies)2014 2010s 21stcentury 3rdmillennium arg asia city-beijing-cn city-berlin-de city-buenosaires-ar city-losangeles-ca city-miami-fl city-montecarlo-mc city-puntadeleste-uy city-putrajaya-my commercial earth electricvehicles europe formula1 formulae landvehicle latemodernperiod license-proprietary naturalistic northamerica racinggame rating-acb-g rating-cero-a rating-esrb-e rating-pegi-3 realistic serious seriousgame southamerica track-monaco track-tempelhofairportcircuit wheeledvehicle Ferry Spijkerman
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Fieldrunners Subatomic Studios2012 commercial fieldrunners-series humblebundle license-proprietary towerdefense labelminimizeminimize
Heroes of Umbra Alcuria Games2015 commercial download license-proprietary labelminimizeminimize
Kingdom Rush Origins Ironhide Game Studio2014 commercial download indie kingdomrush-series license-proprietary magic opengl opengl-3-0 steampowered ubuntu labelminimizeminimize
Knock-knock  Ice-Pick Lodge2012 commercial crowdfunded dark-limited desura download indie indoors internalrepair ladders license-proprietary steampowered ubuntu unity-engine Anastasia Baigusheva (assistant)
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Natalya Kasitskaya (programmer)
Nikolay Dybowski (studio head)
Petr Potapov (art director)
Vasily Kashnikov (sound producer)
Linker Charcoal Styles2012 abstract-location colormatching commercial download fallingblocks flixel gcengine grid-none langinsignificant match3 naturalistic visualmatching labelminimizeminimize
Mercenary Kings OUYA Publishing (Tribute Games)2016 assaultrifles commercial download femaleprotagonist firearms gamepad handguns license-proprietary mp-cooperative nvshield opengl runandgun steampowered labelimageminimize
Monster Mystery Shadow Brain2015 commercial download indie license-proprietary nyop labelminimizeminimize
Prehistorik Interplay Entertainment (Titus)2011 acrossages bludgeons bossbattles cavemen claiming commercial deathpits download harmfultouch ladders license-proprietary lives meleeweapons prehistoric-theme score timelimit touchscreen labelimageminimize
RollerCoaster Tycoon: Classic Atari Interactive (Chris Sawyer Productions;Origin8 Technologies)2016 ♫bluedanube commercial download earth excretion license-proprietary loans naturalistic touchscreen labelminimizeminimize
Slayaway Camp Blue Wizard Digital2017 1980s 20thcentury 2ndmillennium blocky commercial download earth gamepad gore keyboard license-proprietary mouse past steampowered ubuntu unity-engine labelminimizeminimize
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Spirits Spaces of Play2012 commercial download humblebundle license-proprietary labelminimizeminimize
Stop Thief! Restoration Games2016 arg blackbox bountyhunting commercial currency earth indoors license-proprietary naturalistic nplayers outdoors Dr. Robert Doyle
Tales of Illyria: Fallen Knight Little Killerz2013 autumnal axes bludgeons bows capacity-weight combatmode commercial crowdfunded disease download dragons dualwielding encounters-allies encounters-neutral episodic forest grid grid-square group horses hunger inventory license-proprietary limitedcapacity magic meleeweapons monsters mystics outlaws overworld resting riding seasons spears subterranean summery swords temple trolls undead vernal walking weathereffects wintery wolves xp-kills labelimageminimize
Uplink  Introversion Software2012 beepingcomputers commercial currency cyberpunk demo desura download earth hacking humblebundle license-proprietary opengl present sdl upgradesystem Peter 'Skaven' Hajba (music)
Zenge Hamster On Coke Games2016 commercial download langarabic langbrazil-port langbulgarian langchinesesimpl langchinesetrad langgreek langhungarian langnorse langportuguese langromanian langthai langturkish langukrainian license-proprietary labelminimizeminimize