showing 7 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartagsdescription
Dead Effect Bulkypix2013 2040s 21stcentury extraterrestrial femaleprotagonist firstpersonshooter future itemglow space spacecraft-location stunguns titlementioned touchscreen zombies An average FPS game who shines for its awesome two-finger touch controls, very fast and intuitive.***ESS Meridian System: Wednesday September 7, 2045... 178 days of hibernation.
Delta 3 Chamber, Active... Tissue and vital functions Check.
Error! Disruption Detected... Critical Health Detected.
3... 2... 1... Awakening!

Something is not right, the hibernation pods are all empty. What is happening?

You are an elite member of the Unit 13. Fight for your life in a SCI-FI FPS game that will send chills down your spine.

• Grab your phone/tablet, get in control and bring infected horrors down. Your interface is zombie-shooting ready.
• An epic single player campaign awaits you with more than 5 hours of story gameplay. Space is cold and full of horrors.
• Throughout the campaign you will find new weapons and money to upgrade your armory.
• Discover the mysteries of the ESS Meridian, and wander around its impressive environments with intense background music.
• Use your special ability to slow down the time and defeat even the toughest enemies!
• Will you take up the challenge and try to defeat all your enemies in survival mode arenas? Unlock all the achievements and get all the weapons available!
Dead Space Electornic Arts (IronMonkey Studios)2011 25thcentury achievements additionaldownload autosavepoints chosenone compositefoes containers deadspace dismemberment doors engineerprotagonist extraterrestrial facelessprotagonist future itemglow motioncontroller multitouch namelessprotagonist objectiveindicator pandorasbox pawn reload-auto reload-manual selfupdate spacefaringage spacestation spacesuit telekinesis tutorial labelminimizeminimize
DOOM 3 ?2012 2140s 22ndcentury airlocks alientechnology alteredreality ammomagazines anticipatorystockpiles autosavepoints bodyarmor bossbattles chargingweapons color-32bit communicator corridorshooter cyborgs dark demonicinvasion demons diaries dimensionalbreach dimensionalportals dimensionaltravel dingy dissolvingcorpses doom-series doors doors-automatic eastereggs excavation extraterrestrial fatties firstpersonshooter future grenadecooking grenades heads healthpickups healthregen healthregen-stunted heavyspecularity hell hellscape idtech4 jumping keycodes ladders lamp license-gpl locationinfo magiccircles mars militantprotagonist monstrouschildren namelessprotagonist newgameplus npcstrife oddappliances openal opengl overcharging pain pandorasbox paranormal pda plasmaweapons portals powertools reanimators reboot red reload-auto reload-manual researchfacility sciencefantasy scientists secrets sentientartefact serious soldiers spacefaringage spiderbots subtitledeficient supportnpcs teleport teleporters temporarycompanions unlockable-difficulty unofficial unorthodoxweapons walkers whispers zip Not by id Software. Source port by some random person that requires datafiles from the other platform releases. labelminimizeminimize
Star Command War Balloon Games2014 aliens crowdfunded extraterrestrial future grid grid-square indie nonchoices parody quicktimeevent space spacecraft-location titlementioned titulargroup veterancy Windows/Mac release are in the works and may coincide with Android release or come after it. labelimageminimize
StarCraft  Blizzard Entertainment2015 25thcentury 3plusfactions 4thwallbroken aerodyne aliens ambientcreatures asymmetricfactions autocast basebuilding bestsellerseries biogrowth blankprotagonist broodlings builders burrowers cacophonicvoice construction-gradual construction-partial control-individuals disproportionalworld elites expenses-instant extraterrestrial finiteresources fleshvssteel future ghostedmotion grouping groupmind harvesters hatchers homingboulders html5 infantry insectoids interspecificconflict landvehicle larvae leveleditor manaburn metamorphosis micromanagement militaryfiction minimumrange missionbased multiparadigm multiplecampaigns nostructurefacing otherworld patrolroutes polyplopicenemies psychics pve recruiting repairing resourcecontrol resourceharvesting ricochetingattacks robots sciencefantasy sequence-survival sequence-timed serious silentprotagonist space spacecreatures spacefaringage starcraft structureexpansions structurerelocation supervisorprotagonist technofantasy teleport tilebased transportvehicle trivialresearch unibiomeworld unitlimit unseenprotagonist upgrades-transient upgradesystem voiceovers walkers war warfare-air warfare-land wargame waypoints weaponsplatforms yggdrasil labelminimizeminimize
Waking Mars Tiger Style2012 2090s 21stcentury cave columnarjointing extraterrestrial mars undefinedelements Currently (Nov 2012) the game is not available via Google Play, but can be acquired from third-party sources or as plain .apk. labelimageminimize
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf Herocraft2015 cardbased cardbattle collectiblecardgame distantfuture enemyhealthdisplay explosiveobjects extraterrestrial facing freemium grid grid-square hitchance initiative langchinesesimpl tucarryover uvl-tiein wh40k labelminimizeminimize