showing 2 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_upwardtagspersp.
Fight or Perish ? (New Breed Software)2009 1life aimdirlimit angelofdeath animals archers axes bossbattles bows capacity-slots classbased dandylike demons europeanfae explosives faeprotagonist ghosts hackandslash haikuos healingitems humans hunger incomplete inventory keys langinsignificant leveleditor limitedcapacity magic meleeweapons monsters mp-cooperative mysticprotagonist mystics naturalweapons premadecharacters reptiles reptilianprotagonist sauroidprotagonist sauroids sdl swords teleporters undead walking warriors alabelminimizeminimize
The Maze of Galious Brain Games2003 beos bows castle chiroptera deadlywater demons did europeanfae explosives fangame haikuos heroprotagonist jumping keys ladders legacydesign license-proprietary meleeweapons nofalldamage rescue savepassword sdl shopping skeletons sourcecodeavailable swords tombstones walking x86 b1labelminimizeminimize