showing 9 games

namepublisher(developer) arrow_downwardyeartagslanguage
Commander Genius  ?2009 alienplanet aliens apocalyptic cartoony childprotagonist cipherlang city commanderkeen download extraterrestrial haikuos heroprotagonist killerrabbits ledges license-gpl lighthearted lives mars multilingual otherworld prodigalprotagonist rescue robots search spacecraft-location spacestation stranded enlabelminimizeminimize
Dune Legacy ?? 3plusfactions basebuilding burrowers control-individuals extraterrestrial fangame fogofwar future giantworms grid grid-square haikuos missionbased noncanon nostructurefacing otherworld reimagining resourceharvesting sdl serious sonicweapons uvl-tiein war wasteland enlabelminimizeminimize
Gloom3D ?2000 alienplanet beos emweapons energyweapons extraterrestrial fallbackweapon firearms firstpersonshooter future giantinsects giantspiders gibs grenades haikuos hitscan humans industrial-setting jumping license-proprietary militantprotagonist opengl otherworld overkill secrets serious strogg x86 enlabelminimizeminimize
Moon Lander ?2001 beos extraterrestrial haikuos landing langinsignificant license-gpl luna moon x86 en, otherlabelminimizeminimize
Star Control 2: Time Warp  ?2001 2150s 22ndcentury aliens allegro amoeboids antivillain apocalyptic astrophysics autozoom beamweapons beos callisto cannons combatmode crystalentities deadends dimensionaltravel download drone earth energyweapons europa extraterrestrial fuel future ganymede humanoids inorganics insectoids interactivedialogs io jupiter linux luna machinecivilization mars mercury metagaming miscommunication mycoids neptune neutralnpcs perverts plantcreatures pluto precursors progressingworld resourceharvesting saturn sentientplants shopping slavery space spacecraft spacecraft-medium speciesuplift starcontrol starfishaliens suicideattackers superguns timelimit titanmoon tritonmoon unattendedevents universallanguage uranus uvl-searchelp venus warptravel x86 xenophobia enlabelminimizeminimize
The Guild ?2000 beos earth extraterrestrial haikuos license-gpl otherworld prerenderedbackgrounds sdl solsystem spacecraft-location voiceovers x86 enlabelminimizeminimize
The Ur-Quan Masters  ?2002 2150s 22ndcentury 3rdmillennium aliens amoeboids antivillain apocalyptic astrophysics autozoom beamweapons beos callisto cannons combatmode crystalentities dimensionaltravel download drone earth energyweapons europa evilisgood extraterrestrial fuel future ganymede haikuos humanoids inorganics insectoids interactivedialogs io jupiter luna mars mercury metagaming miscommunication mycoids neptune neutralnpcs perverts plantcreatures pluto precursors progressingworld resourceharvesting saturn sdl secondaryconflict sentientplants shopping slavery space spacecraft spacecraft-medium spacefaringage starcontrol starfishaliens suicideattackers superguns timelimit titanmoon tritonmoon universallanguage uranus venus warptravel x86 xenophobia enlabelminimizeminimize
Duke Nukem GoodOldGames2003 1life 21stcentury airducts alieninvasion aliens apartmentbuilding armyofone automap bathroom beos bombs buildengine captives city city-losangeles-ca clingers cryogenicweapons destructibleitems difficulty doors download dukenukem elevators energyweapons explosiveobjects extraterrestrial firearms firstpersonshooter flood freelook freezing future gore graphicdeaths haikuos handguns heroic heroprotagonist hitscan humor-dark humor-toilet interspecificconflict inventory jumping jumppack license-gpl licensechange lighthearted luna machineguns macho monsters moon mp-dm multibarrelguns mutants naturaldisasters remotedetonators rockets ruins screenshake shotguns shrinker spacestation suidoids theatre thx-1138 titularcharacter walking x86 enlabelminimizeminimize
Quake II  Macmillan (id software)1998 alienplanet beos brains emweapons energyweapons extraterrestrial fallbackweapon firearms firstpersonshooter future gibs grenades haikuos hitscan humanresources idtech2 industrial-setting jumping militantprotagonist militaryfiction opengl otherworld overkill quake-series rating-esrb-m secrets serious spacefaringage strogg uvl-searchelp enlabelimageminimize