showing 13 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtagslanguage
LGeneral LGames? 1860s 1940s 19thcentury 20thcentury 2ndmillennium americancivilwar beos city-moscow-ru civilwar download earth europe firearms france germany grid grid-hex haikuos latemodernperiod license-gpl militantprotagonist naturalistic northamerica past russia sdl wargame worldwar worldwar2 zetaos enlabelminimizeminimize
OpenQuartz Open Quartz Team? 1life achillesheelfoes aimassist axes beamweapons beos dark demons dialup difficulty dingy dogs doomwad doors download electricweapons energyweapons eviloverlord firearms firstpersonshooter gibs gore idlenoise indoors jumping keys license-gpl lightmaps lovecraftian medieval meleeweapons middleguns middleprojection militantprotagonist monsters mp-dm nailguns npcfriendlyfire npcstrife opengl otherworld overkill permanentcorpses portals powerups quakeengine rocketjumping rockets sciencefantasy secrets serious splatter swrender tcpip title-demo touchactivation undead zombies enlabelminimizeminimize
OQPlus ?? 1life achillesheelfoes aimassist alone axes beamweapons beos dark demons dialup difficulty dingy dogs doomwad doors download electricweapons energyweapons eviloverlord firearms firstpersonshooter gibs gore idlenoise indoors jumping keys license-gpl lightmaps lovecraftian medieval meleeweapons middleguns middleprojection militantprotagonist monsters mp-dm nailguns npcfriendlyfire npcstrife opengl otherworld overkill permanentcorpses portals powerups quakeengine rocketjumping rockets sciencefantasy secrets serious splatter swrender tcpip touchactivation enlabelminimizeminimize
Quake II  Macmillan (id software)1998 alienplanet beos brains emweapons energyweapons extraterrestrial fallbackweapon firearms firstpersonshooter future gibs grenades haikuos hitscan humanresources idtech2 industrial-setting jumping militantprotagonist militaryfiction opengl otherworld overkill quake-series rating-esrb-m secrets serious spacefaringage strogg uvl-searchelp enlabelimageminimize
Hopkins FBI PolyEx Software (Wildcard Design;MP Entertainment)1999 clickadventure earth firearms gore interactivefiction license-proprietary scummvm sdl walking en, frlabelminimizeminimize
Gloom3D ?2000 alienplanet beos emweapons energyweapons extraterrestrial fallbackweapon firearms firstpersonshooter future giantinsects giantspiders gibs grenades haikuos hitscan humans industrial-setting jumping license-proprietary militantprotagonist opengl otherworld overkill secrets serious strogg x86 enlabelminimizeminimize
Shogo: Mobile Armor Division  Monolith Productions (Wildcard Design)2000 1life beamweapons beos cancelled doors energyweapons firearms friendlyfire giantrobots inertscenery jumping license-proprietary lithtechengine mecha meleeweapons militantprotagonist militaryfiction otherworld sdl swords swrender titulargroup transformation vehicularcombat walker walkers walking enlabelminimizeminimize
Cube ?2001 assaultrifles beos firearms firstpersonshooter haikuos handguns precisionrifles x86 enlabelminimizeminimize
Ultima VII: The Black Gate  ? (Origin)2001 ♫flightofthebumblebee ♫rulebritannia 3.5disk alcohol aliens apples axes ballistics bees beos blackpearls bludgeons bows capacity-stacks capacity-volume capacity-weight captives carts chapel cheese chosenone city cooking crafting crates crteffects demons domesticcats drills-rig drugs engineremake eviloverlord femaleprotagonist fictionalelement firearms firearms-early forest fromanotherworld garlic genderchoice giantinsects goldbars goldnuggets haikuos hypocrites jewelry juggernauts knives lagomorphs limitedcapacity lockpicking magic magicrings magicweapons meleeweapons mice monsters multipleendings npcschedules nudism otherworld parrots pirates polearms present prostitutes pumpkin refwizardofoz riding ruins sdl seamlessworld sheep shopping sorcery subterranean swords thrownweapons town trash ultima ultima7-engine ultimaageofarmageddon unicorns whips willowisps xp-deeds xp-kills en, de, rulabelminimizeminimize
FreedroidRPG  the Freedroid team2002 1life 2150s 22ndcentury 3rdmillennium adv-ptdistr attrbasedeq autorun beos bloodless bodyarmor containers cybernetics cyberpunk doors download earth firearms future haikuos healthregen-slow humans improvisedweapons inventory itemdurability itempickup-normal knives license-gpl lineofsight meleeweapons naturalistic opengl postapocalypse rewardingvandalism robots sdl shopping socketables stamina subterranean swords technomagic tutorial walking xp-kills enlabelminimizeminimize
Barrage LGames2003 beos explosives firearms haikuos score scoreoriented war zetaos enlabelminimizesubject
Duke Nukem GoodOldGames2003 1life 21stcentury airducts alieninvasion aliens apartmentbuilding armyofone automap bathroom beos bombs buildengine captives city city-losangeles-ca clingers cryogenicweapons destructibleitems difficulty doors download dukenukem elevators energyweapons explosiveobjects extraterrestrial firearms firstpersonshooter flood freelook freezing future gore graphicdeaths haikuos handguns heroic heroprotagonist hitscan humor-dark humor-toilet interspecificconflict inventory jumping jumppack license-gpl licensechange lighthearted luna machineguns macho monsters moon mp-dm multibarrelguns mutants naturaldisasters remotedetonators rockets ruins screenshake shotguns shrinker spacestation suidoids theatre thx-1138 titularcharacter walking x86 enlabelminimizeminimize
Flashback  Delphine Software2008 2140s 22ndcentury aliens amnesia beos cinematicplatformer conspiracy firearms flashback-series future handguns ledges license-gpl lifelikemotion rotoscoping shapeshifters stationaryattack stepbasedcontrol enlabelminimizeminimize