showing 4 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtagsdescription
The Guild ?2000 beos earth extraterrestrial haikuos license-gpl otherworld prerenderedbackgrounds sdl solsystem spacecraft-location voiceovers x86 labelminimizeminimize
Freedroid GoodOldGames2003 beos doors haikuos independentaim langinsignificant laserbolts robotprotagonist robots spacecraft-large spacecraft-location The GoodOldGames that created this port is not related, officiated, connected or in any way related to the Good Old Games of labelminimizeminimize
Freeroid ?2004 beos doors independentaim langinsignificant laserbolts license-gpl robotprotagonist robots spacecraft-large spacecraft-location labelminimizeminimize
Commander Genius  ?2009 alienplanet aliens apocalyptic cartoony childprotagonist cipherlang city commanderkeen download extraterrestrial haikuos heroprotagonist killerrabbits ledges license-gpl lighthearted lives mars multilingual otherworld prodigalprotagonist rescue robots search spacecraft-location spacestation stranded labelminimizeminimize