showing 2 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartagslanguage
FreedroidRPG  the Freedroid team2002 1life 2150s 22ndcentury 3rdmillennium adv-ptdistr attrbasedeq autorun beos bloodless bodyarmor containers cybernetics cyberpunk doors download earth firearms future haikuos healthregen-slow humans improvisedweapons inventory itemdurability itempickup-normal knives license-gpl lineofsight meleeweapons naturalistic opengl postapocalypse rewardingvandalism robots sdl shopping socketables stamina subterranean swords technomagic tutorial walking xp-kills enlabelminimizeminimize
The Legend of Edgar ?? amoeboids bees birds bizarrecreatures bossbattles carnivorousplants chickens chiroptera elevators fish floatingeyes giantspiders haikuos inventory jumping keys meleeweapons monsters raft savepoints saveslots sdl swords testudines town tutorial walking wetland windmills enlabelminimizeminimize