showing 1 game

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Ogre author1987This game was created by someone just for the fun of it, private use only. But someone put it out on the Internet without the author's permission. A representative of Steve Jackson games tried to put a stop to it and the author ended the incident by transferring rights of the game to Steve Jackson Games. This also ended further development. As of 2012 Steve Jackson Games was still soliciting for someone to debug the game so they could publish it. This was and remains a complicated issue as Origin Systems had the rights for computer games and now Electronic Arts has them. And a UNIX game was never a hot commodity. Though an OS X and Linux port could interest a few companies, Electronic Arts is most certainly not one of them. Plus the game is most certainly dated by now (only of intrest to hard core UNIX and Linux gamers, the tiniest of markets currently) labelminimizeminimize