showing 3 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtagsdescription
UMoria  author1983 1life 2hmeleeweapons adv-static alarmers alcohol amoeboids amphibians ants automap axes beetles beggars bludgeons bodyarmor bossbattles bows capacity-slots capacity-stacks capacity-toolslots capacity-weight centipedes charactercreation chiroptera circadiancycle clanguage classbased containers creatureidentification crossbows currency curseditems dark digging doors doors-breakable download dragonflies elementals elves encounters-literal encounters-random encounters-seen encounters-unseen eviloverlord explosives femaleprotagonist floatingeyes fogofwar frog fuel fungi gems genderchoice ghosts giantbeetles giantinsects giants giantscorpions gnomes golems haggling halflings harpies healingitems healthregen humans hunger indoors inventory invisiblefoes itemidentification itempickup-auto itempickup-ignore itempickup-instant javelins jewelry knives lamp license-gpl liches limitedcapacity lineofsight lockpicking magic magicrings magicweapons maingauche maleprotagonist mapgenerator meleeweapons monsters mummies mycoids mystics naga ncurses ninja npcteleporting orcs outdoors outlaws perchararelations permadeath pickaxe platformreference polearms prospecting protagonistnaming quitsave racechoice randomdamage randomizedattributes resting roguelike sasquatch saveanywhere scorpions secrets secrets-invisible shields shopping skeletons slings snakes sorcery spears specieschoice stealingnpcs stealth subterranean summoning swords taxonomy teleport teleporting tilebased town traps trolls unarmedfighting undead uvl-confusable vampires walking weefolk whips worms xp-kills zombies labelminimizeminimize
SimCity for X11  DUX Software (Maxis)1993 citybuilding clanguage license-multicopy license-proprietary naturaldisasters platformreference simcity sourcecodeavailable sparc uvl-searchelp x11 This version of SimCity for UNIX is notable as being multiplayer.
SimCity for X11  DUX Software (Maxis)1993 citybuilding clanguage desqviewx hp-ux irix license-multicopy license-proprietary naturaldisasters platformreference simcity sourcecodeavailable sparc tru64 uvl-searchelp x11 This version of SimCity for UNIX is notable as being multiplayer. labelminimizeminimize