showing 5 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardgame typetags
B.A.L.L.Z.  Darkbits2007platformer puzzle allegro amoeboidprotagonist biotechnology bsd captives claiming cpplanguage disappearingplatforms dumbsound findexit iran jumping langinsignificant nofalldamage obligation rescue soldiers specialagentprotagonist teleporters x86 x86-64 labelminimizeminimize
Giana's Return Giana's Return Team2010platformer Fantasy claiming did disappearingplatforms fangame femaleprotagonist gianasisters harmfultouch hopandbop jumping lives medieval monsters netbsd rescue savepassword timelimit walking wintery x86 x86-64 labelminimizeminimize
Sqrxz 3 - Adventure for Love Retroguru2012platformer anthroprotagonist claiming disappearingplatforms earth gems hard hopandbop jumping jungle lagomorphprotagonist license-proprietary monsters netbsd score sdl secrets subterranean walking labelminimizeminimize
Escape of the Cat  author2014platformer deadlydecor disappearingplatforms domesticcats flipscreens freebsd insteadengine jumping license-cc mashers movingplatforms pixelated retro visiblelasers walking weathereffects labelminimizeminimize
Sqrxz 4 - Cold Cash Retroguru2014platformer anthroprotagonist claiming disappearingplatforms earth gems hard hopandbop jumping jungle lagomorphprotagonist license-proprietary monsters netbsd present score sdl secrets subterranean walking labelminimizeminimize