showing 21 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
3omns author? clanguage freebsd license-gpl3 lua sdl labelminimizeminimize
Pinch ol' Santa SwordLord? christmas freebsd holiday license-proprietary lua sdl labelminimizeminimize
The Legend of Zelda: Mystery of Solarus DX  Zelda s9larus? 1life ancientenemy boomerangs bossbattles bows containers cpplanguage currency elves explosives fangame fantasyworld healingitems interactivetriggers inventory keys lang-separate license-gpl3 lua magic meleeweapons monsters openal openbsd playerprofiles rewardingvandalism sdl sdl2 shields shopping solarusengine swimming swords uvl-confusable walking wintery labelminimizeminimize
Freeciv The Freeciv project1996 4xstrategy bsdi4 exploration freebsd grandscale grid grid-hex grid-square lua netbsd openbsd sdl sunos techtree tileblending trains labelminimizeminimize
UFO 2000 UFO2000 Development Team20?? allegro cpplanguage group hawknl license-gpl license-proprietary lua sqlite labelminimizeminimize
Avanor, The Land Of Mystery author2001 axes bodyarmor cpplanguage currency demons dwarves freebsd heroprotagonist inventory jewelry license-gpl lua magic magicrings meleeweapons monsters orcs roguelike shields sorcery swords thieving weefolk labelminimizeminimize
Advanced Strategic Command  ?2001 cpplanguage freebsd grid grid-hex helicopter helicopters leveleditor license-gpl lua sdl vorbis x11 labelminimizeminimize
Marathon: Aleph One Bungie Software2001 alephone aliens armyofone engineremake firstpersonshooter freebsd lua marathon-series opengl rogueai sdl sentientmachines swrender labelminimizeminimize
Dungeon Crawl ?2003 cpplanguage dungeon dungeoncrawler freebsd lua rakshasa roguelike labelminimizeminimize
Hedgewars  Hedgewars Project2004 artillerygame cpplanguage explosives firearms freebsd license-gpl lua pardus sdl searchelp x86 x86-64 labelminimizeminimize
Fish Fillets - The Next Generation  ALTAR interactive2004 clams cpplanguage fish freebsd license-wtfpl lua moose netbsd octopus sdl seaanemones sharks skeletons snails vikings x11 x86 x86-64 labelminimizeminimize
X-Moto  XMoto (X-Moto team)2005 freebsd lua opendynamicsengine opengl sdl labelminimizeminimize
naev naev Team2006 darkspace download extraterrestrial femaleprotagonist freebsd gangs genderchoice license-gpl lua maleprotagonist openal opengl outlaws rebellion sdl shopping space spacecraft spacecraft-small upgradesystem vorbis labelminimizeminimize
Bos Wars  author2007 cpplanguage license-gpl lua opengl sdl stratagusengine vorbis x11 labelminimizeminimize
Battle Tanks  ?2008 cpplanguage freebsd license-gpl lua sdl vorbis x11 labelminimizeminimize
Blobby Volley ?2008 amoeboids cpplanguage freebsd license-gpl lua opengl physfs sdl volleyball labelminimizeminimize
Falling Block Game author2010 abstract-location download endless fallingblocks freebsd langinsignificant license-gpl lua naturalistic opengl score sdl spatiallogic speedup tilebased labelminimizeminimize
Avoision author2012 freebsd license-cc license-gpl lua opengl physfs radiusengine sdl labelminimizeminimize
Cretan Hubris  author2012 freebsd license-cc license-gpl lua opengl radiusengine sdl labelminimizeminimize
Mau Mau  burmagroup2014 bsd cards cpplanguage download license-gpl3 lua labelminimizeminimize
Aquaria ?2015 actionadventure ambientcreatures aquaticrealm automap autozoom backtracking bellyofawhale bossbattles cave chargedattack cnidarians colossi commercial cpplanguage dark-limited dashing devouring directionalforce directionalforce-current download fasttravel fasttravel-points femaleprotagonist fish fmod forgottenpast freebsd giantmonsters giantseahorses healingitems healthpickups humanoidprotagonist indie inventory lamp leveleditor leveleditor-ingame license-crossplatform license-gpl license-proprietary lua magic merfolk metroidvania minigames minimap modifiable monsters mutants nodrm nonlinear oceanworld opengl peeking pet pyrokinesis radialmenu rewardingvandalism robots ruins savepoints sdl seamonsters search serious shapeshifters shapeshifting skeletalanimation sorcery sound sourcecodeavailable subterranean swimming titlementioned titularlocale tutorial underwater visions walljumping wildlife labelminimizeminimize