showing 9 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardgame typeplayer opts
T-Dragon Quest 2  author?role-play single playerlabelminimizeminimize
Dragon Spirit Micomsoft (Dempa)1988shooter Fantasy single playerlabelimageminimize
Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar Pony Canyon1988role-play Fantasy single playerlabelminimizeminimize
The Tower of Druaga  Namco1989action/reflex maze Fantasy single playerlabelimageminimize
Phantasie III: The Wrath of Nikademus  Starcraft1989role-play Fantasy single playerlabelimageminimize
Phantasie IV: The Birth of Heroes  Starcraft1991role-play Fantasy single playerlabelimageminimize
T-Dragon Quest Joshou author1991role-play single playerlabelminimizeminimize
Dragon Strike  Pony Canyon1992simulation flight Fantasy single playerlabelimageminimize
Dragon Buster Dempa Micomsoft1993platformer adventure Fantasy single playerlabelimageminimize