showing 9 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtagsdescription
Atomic Runner Chelnov Data East (Dempa)1988 runandgun Video Game Anthology Vol. 02 labelimageminimize
Star Destroyer Bosconian  Namco (Dempa)1988 runandgun labelimageminimize
Starship Rendezvous  ScapTrust (ARKLIGHT)1989 digitizedimages erotic robots runandgun labelimageminimize
Granada  Wolf Team1990 2010s africa bossbattles driving future independentaim map nonlinear objectiveindicator runandgun tank labelimageminimize
FZ Senki Axis  Wolf Team1990 finalzone-series helicopters mecha runandgun score tanks labelimageminimize
Atomic Robo-Kid System Sacom1990 lives robotprotagonist robots runandgun score labelimageminimize
Aquares  ExAct1991 runandgun labelimageminimize
Alien Syndrome  Sega (Dempa)1992 aliens aliensyndrome bossbattles rescue runandgun score timelimit walking Catastrophic accident in experimental genetic lab. . .stations overrun by hideous organic mutations – scientists captured! Activate station's self-destruct cycle! Send in Ricky and Mary, veteran Alien Exterminators, to rescue hostages! GO – Through the maze of corridors, blasting the slimy hordes, pick up new weapons on the way, rescue the prisoners and find the exit – HORROR – the doors are guarded by the biggest, most grotesque mutants imaginable! Can you get out before the time bomb goes off. . .?

* Multi-load game with 8-way scrolling and two player option!
* Pick up Flamethrowers, Lasers, Fireballs, etc. from weapon bays! Activate station plan at Radar Map Points!
* The most imaginative aliens ever – unsurpassed in slimy hideousness and brilliantly depicted in grotesque graphical glory!
* The biggest, ugliest, most bloodcurdling end-of-level monsters ever!
* Probably the most visually impressive game ever to hit the arcades – now in your home!

Daimakaimura  Capcom1994 birds bossbattles did gng lives midairjumping rescue runandgun score thrownweapons timelimit undead labelimageminimize