showing 2 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
WipEout  Psygnosis1995WIPEOUT for the PlayStation is an extreme racing game that takes all of the rules and throws them off the track. The action is conducted in floating craft that can travel at breakneck speeds along any service. There are numerous tracks, each with a different theme and look, though they all contain a number of twists and turns. WIPEOUT is one of the fastest racers available, with a huge selection of vehicles and tracks. The game also offers a competitive Two-Player mode.***
Rollcage Sony Computer Entertainment (Attention to Detail)1999Rollcage is nothing less than the fastest most explosive and outrageous game on wheels. You take the helm of one of several low-slung racing machines capable of incredible speeds and high-intensity maneuvers. Battle high G-forces and other players in a world of extreme racing. No need to stick to the track this is 360 degrees no rules racing. And be sure to crank up the speakers because this game features a soundtrack including Fatboy Slim Pressure Rise and Freestyles.***