showing 2 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee  GT Interactive (Oddworld Inhabitants)1997In a world run by ruthless meat barons your entire race is about to become pie filling... Unless you can escape RuptureFarms and make it through the most inexplicably challenging gameplay in the known universe. Sound Odd? Welcome to Oddworld. A new kind of game and a brave new world of interaction. Communicate with real characters. Possess and blow away your enemies. Solve wicked situations. ODDWORLD: ABE'S ODDYSEE takes every game genre you've ever seen and blends them into a smorgasbord of pure gaming delight. So trust in Odd and you'll never be hungry again!***
Heart of Darkness Ocean;Interplay (Amazing Studio)1998Hidden away in the Heart of Darkness lies a terrifying world. A world ruled by the Master of Darkness whose cruel and absolute power leads an army of emaciated devils. The fiendish force scours the land in search of Andy a young boy on a quest to rescue his dog Whisky. Trapped in a terrifying nightmare only you can take Andy through hundreds of epic encounters to overcome a whole host of wonderfully weird characters and emerge triumphant from the Heart of Darkness.***
[32]***7/10 for very good players
8/10 for others ones