showing 3 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Baldur's Gate Runecraft (Bioware;Interplay)?Announced but not released.
[Zerothis]***The bastards!
[Linux Geek]
Magic: The Gathering - BattleMage Acclaim1996This popular card game makes its first appearance on the PlayStation in MAGIC: The Gathering. Gamers take on the role of a magician who can summon spells, monsters, and effects that they use to combat other players/magicians. The computer controls your magically inclined opponent in the real-time battles, so you can expect some tough matches. All of the cards from the original game are represented, so longtime fans of the series should look forward to meeting some old friends in real time with MAGIC: The Gathering for the PlayStation. labelimagesubject
Hercules  Sony Computer Entertainment (Eurocom Developments)1997Take control of Hercules as he tries to gain fame, save the world, and save the woman he loves in HERCULES. Have Herc run, jump, and fight through level after level of bad guys, picking up boulders and smashing obstacles along the way. Voice work by James Woods and Danny DeVito will make you think you are watching the movie. Can Hercules save the day? Find out by playing HERCULES for the PlayStation.***