showing 3 games

namepublisher(developer)yeardescriptionauthor(s)rank arrow_downward
X-COM: Terror from the Deep  Microprose1996
X-COM: Enemy Unknown  Microprose1995One of the most popular PC titles ever is now available for the PlayStation. X-COM: UFO Defense is a strategy game that begins with aliens invading Earth. You control a team of specialists that must gather materials, build bases, and fight back against the extraterrestrial terrorists. Following the normal strategy game formula, X-COM: UFO Defense is able to remain fresh by offering new elements like ancient alien artifacts that when found give special abilities, and a highly original storyline that will keep you enthralled and engaged until the Earth is safe.***European version
[29]***US version
[27]***[b]missing images:[/b] geoscape, title screen, tactical mission, base management (of proper quality/resolution) and possibly some other screens
Baldur's Gate Runecraft (Bioware;Interplay)?Announced but not released.
[Zerothis]***The bastards!
[Linux Geek]