showing 3 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardplayer optsdescription
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee  GT Interactive (Oddworld Inhabitants)1997single playerIn a world run by ruthless meat barons your entire race is about to become pie filling... Unless you can escape RuptureFarms and make it through the most inexplicably challenging gameplay in the known universe. Sound Odd? Welcome to Oddworld. A new kind of game and a brave new world of interaction. Communicate with real characters. Possess and blow away your enemies. Solve wicked situations. ODDWORLD: ABE'S ODDYSEE takes every game genre you've ever seen and blends them into a smorgasbord of pure gaming delight. So trust in Odd and you'll never be hungry again!***
Star Ocean: The Second Story  Enix;SCEA (tri-Ace)1998single playerWhen a meteor collides with the planet Expel, the paths of two heroes cross. Now they must work together to save the universe from a vindictive deity. You take the role of either Claude or Rena. While both have the same quest, their stories diverge at different points. Along the way, both characters will learn new abilities that will allow them to create new items. Protect the universe from angry gods in STAR OCEAN: The Second Story.***
[31]***US version
[31]***PAL version
[32]***US version
[32]***Japanese version
[32]***Japanese version
Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus  GT Interactive (Oddworld Inhabitants)1998single playerODDWORLD: Abe's Exoddus takes Abe and his enslaved friends on a wacky journey. Cast with a zoo's worth of bizarre characters almost all of whose favorite past time is to injure, torture, or brutalize the benevolent Mudokons Exoddus features similar gameplay to the first ODWORLD title: 2D platforming.***
[27]***Box Blurb

Welcome to the tastiest gaming brew ever concocted

Here begins Abe's newest and greatest trial. In the classic Oddworld tradition, Abe's Exoddus delivers more intuitive communication and entrepreneurial evil than ever before.

Slug it down!

Astonishing graphics and rich gameplay that made Abe's Oddysee absolutely MINDBLOWING

All the favourite enemies, plus some new guys...Flying Sligs, Greeters and Fleeches.

Expanded GameSpeak(TM). More phrases for Abe and the other inhabitants!

The first game to feature genuine emotions. Mudokons can be happy, manic, spiteful, or suicidally depressed!

More possession. Possess Sligs, Scrabs, even Glukkons - and use them to do your dirty work!

Fart power! Abe can even possess his own farts and blow stuff up. No other game has it...No other game wants it!