showing 3 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartagsdescription
Crusaders of Might and Magic 3DO2000 actionadventure adv-static ardon-mm blocking bludgeons capacity-slots castle chosenone difficulty dwarves elementals energyregen forest hackandslash healingitems insectoids interlinkedlevels inventory jumping limitedcapacity magic magicartefacts map mapdeficient medieval meleeweapons mightandmagic militantprotagonist mine nogps obsoletedassets ogres potions premadeprotagonist reduced rewardingvandalism sciencefantasy shadowmaps shields skeletons sorcery subterranean swords tutorial undead walking warriormystics warriorprotagonist weefolk Crusaders of Might and Magic is a third-person perspective game that mixes elements of action, role-playing and adventure. In this epic quest, you'll need to jump and slash your way to succeed against scores of evil monsters. As you progress, you'll be able to improve your characters attributes, which will ultimately decide whether you succeed or fail.
Diablo  Electronic Arts (Blizzard;Climax Group)1998 actionrpg adv-ptdistr armyofone attrbasedeq automap bleak bludgeons bossbattles bows cacophonicvoice capacity-slots caprinoids chargers classbased classlinkedgender cliffhanger constrainedlocale crossworldcharacters dark-limited darkfantasy darkknights demonicinvasion demons diablo diablolike elitemobs endlessconflict energyitems evilwins gargoyles gloomy goblinoids graverobbing healingitems healingstations healthbuffer hell hellscape heroprotagonist humanoidanimals inorganics inventory itemgenerator itemidentification jewelry knockback leveluprestoration limitedcapacity magic magic-instant mapgenerator meleeweapons minimap monsters mp-campaign mp-cooperative naga neutralmonsters obstacletranslucification openclassing optionaltasks playerprofiles potions premadecharacters presetmaps quitsave rating-esrb-m recallportal restorativegluttony safezone selfluminance sequelhook serious shopping singlesave skeletons socketables sorcery subterranean summoning swords taskgenerator teleporting titlementioned titularcharacter tooltips town tragicending undead unknownpast voiceovers xp-kills zombies Travel through 16 randomly created level as you try to kill the King of Hell in Diablo. Play as a warrior, sorcerer, or rogue, and battle zombies, demons, and skeletons. Luckily, all of these pests are dispatched with swords, clubs, arrows, and a little magic. When requested, tackle additional quests from the villagers. All of the action is better than ever thanks to new lighting effects and the new double-speed mode. Experience a trip to Hell and back in Diablo.***
[27]***Sharpen your sword and brush up on your magic skills. In Diablo, you'll be wandering through 15 thrilling and exciting levels with incredibly detailed characters, monsters, and animations. Choose one of three character classes, including the rogue, the sorcerer, or the warrior. The great aspects of this game are the 15 levels of dungeons which are generated randomly, so you play a different game each time, and the amazing variety of items, magic, and monsters encountered while tackling the game's many quests.
Hexen  GT Interactive (Raven Software)1997 centauroids classbased classbasedeq demonicmenace fantasyworld fictionaluniverse firstpersonshooter fortress ghosts heretichexen magic magicartefacts magicweapons meleeweapons monsters npcstrife potions premadecharacters rating-bbfc-12 rating-esrb-m sorcery wetland An evil empire sets out to destroy its political opposition. Take the role of a strong warrior, magical wizard, or well-balance cleric, and travel through levels of action and excitement in order to stop the carnage. After each level, earn experience and new abilities. Thanks to an inventory management system, power-ups can be saved for later use. Can you brave the challenges of HEXEN and stop the killing?***