showing 16 games

namepublisher(developer) arrow_downwardyearlanguage
South Park Acclaim1999labelimagesubject
Covert Ops: Nuclear Dawn  Activision (Sugar and Rockets;Japan Studio)2000enlabelimagesubject
Tomb Raider  Core Design;Victor;Eidos (Core Design)1996en, fr, jplabelimagesubject
VIRUS: It is Aware Cryo Interactive1999enlabelimageminimize
Tomb Raider II Starring Lara Croft  Eidos (Core Design)1997en, fr, jplabelimagesubject
Tomb Raider III: Adventures of Lara Croft  Eidos (Core Design)1998labelimagesubject
007: The World is Not Enough  Electronic Arts (Black Ops Entertainment)2000enlabelimagesubject
Medal of Honor  Electronic Arts (DreamWorks Interactive)1999ch, en, rulabelimagesubject
Dead Ball Zone  GT Interactive (Rage)1998dut, en, fr, de, it, pt, splabelimageminimize
Driver 2: Back on the Streets  Infogrames (Reflections)2000enlabelimagesubject
Re-Loaded  Interplay;Gremlin Graphics (Gremlin Interactive Limited)1996enlabelimagesubject
Time Crisis Namco1997labelimagesubject
Guilty Gear  Sammy (Arc System Works)1998en, jplabelimagesubject
Koudelka  SNK;Infogrames (Sacnoth)1999en, jplabelimagesubject
WCW Nitro THQ (Inland Productions)1997labelimagesubject
Command & Conquer Virgin (Westwood Studios)1996enlabelimagesubject