showing 16 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_upwardgame type
Driver 2: Back on the Streets  Infogrames (Reflections)2000racing/driving labelimagesubject
007: The World is Not Enough  Electronic Arts (Black Ops Entertainment)2000shooter labelimagesubject
Covert Ops: Nuclear Dawn  Activision (Sugar and Rockets;Japan Studio)2000shooter adventure labelimagesubject
Koudelka  SNK;Infogrames (Sacnoth)1999role-play Fantasy Horror labelimagesubject
Medal of Honor  Electronic Arts (DreamWorks Interactive)1999Historical shooter labelimagesubject
South Park Acclaim1999shooter labelimagesubject
VIRUS: It is Aware Cryo Interactive1999shooter Horror Science Fiction labelimageminimize
Tomb Raider III: Adventures of Lara Croft  Eidos (Core Design)1998action/reflex adventure labelimagesubject
Dead Ball Zone  GT Interactive (Rage)1998sport labelimageminimize
Guilty Gear  Sammy (Arc System Works)1998fighting Fantasy Manga labelimagesubject
Tomb Raider II Starring Lara Croft  Eidos (Core Design)1997action/reflex adventure labelimagesubject
Time Crisis Namco1997shooting gallery labelimagesubject
WCW Nitro THQ (Inland Productions)1997fighting labelimagesubject
Re-Loaded  Interplay;Gremlin Graphics (Gremlin Interactive Limited)1996action/reflex shooter labelimagesubject
Tomb Raider  Core Design;Victor;Eidos (Core Design)1996action/reflex adventure labelimagesubject
Command & Conquer Virgin (Westwood Studios)1996action/reflex strategy Science Fiction labelimagesubject