showing 8 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardgame type
Doom Williams;GT Interactive;Soft Bank (id Software)1995Fantasy Horror Science Fiction shooter labelimagesubject
Final Doom Williams;GT Interactive (Virgin Interactive Entertainment)1996Fantasy Horror Science Fiction shooter labelimagesubject
The Unholy War Eidos;Crystal Dynamics (Toys For Bob)1998fighting strategy turn-based Fantasy Science Fiction labelimagesubject
Final Fantasy VIII  Square1999role-play Fantasy Manga Science Fiction labelimagesubject
Star Wars: Jedi Power Battles LucasArts2000Science Fiction labelimageminimize
Crusaders of Might and Magic 3DO2000action/reflex beat 'em up Fantasy labelimagesubject
Omikron  Eidos Interactive (Quantic Dream)2000action/reflex beat 'em up shooter adventure Fantasy Science Fiction labelminimizeminimize
Roswell Conspiracies: Aliens, Myths & Legends Red Storm Entertainment;Ubi Soft (Red Lemon Studios)2001action/reflex Fantasy Science Fiction labelimagesubject