showing 3 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddisplaydescription
Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain  Crystal Dynamics;Activision (Silicon Knights)1996rasterSteel yourself for an epic quest of vengeance that will drag you to the depths of depravity. Slaughter 170 different enemies with multiple weapon and armor power-ups in real time combat. Morph into different forms: bat wolf or mist!***
[27]***You are Kain, a vampire out to avenge your death. Kill, drink blood, and grow stronger. Use weapons like swords, axes, mace, etc. as you explore Kain's world. Grow stronger as you accumulate weapons, armor, spells and abilities to turn into a wolf or bat. Great graphics and video matched with killer sound effects. Disguise yourself as a peasant or nobleman and talk to people in each village. The storyline is told to you by the characters (instead of you reading text) and includes some clues and puzzles. This game will really quench your thirst for blood.***Overhead action-RPG where you play as the vampire Kain in the sinister world of Nosgoth. You can kill and feast on any human you encounter.

Kain was a nobleman who was murdered during his travels. He sought vengeance and the necromancer Mortanius offered him a chance to do so by reviving him as a vampire. Kain then quickly enacts his revenge, but finds out that there is a greater plot to be uncovered. The story is probably the darkest to ever grace a console video game. Violent, yet mature and serious.

The storyline is too deep and complex for a simple summary so for more details, visit the link below and go to the Blood Omen section, or better yet, play the game.

Kain can use various weapons, spells and items, can morph in the classic vampire states (bat, wolf, mist), feast on humans or even some monsters and explore various environments.

The game features excellent voice acting and several cinematics. Unfortunately there are some technical issues with the PlayStation version, namely occasional slowdown and very slow loading time.
Vampire: Kyuuketsuki Densetsu Artdink1999textured polygons labelimageminimize
Vampire Hunter D  Jaleco (Victor Interactive Software)1999raster, textured polygons, mixedVideo game adaptation of the Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust (2000) film.***The Anime classic finally sees its game incarnation realized on the PlayStation. In this Action/ RPG, you play a mysterious stranger that is bent on hunting down and destroying hideous vampires. As D, you've been hired to rescue a small child from the clutches of a hideous set of monsters. You'll play the game guiding your polygonal character through a castle of pre-rendered backgrounds. labelimagesubject