showing 2 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardpersp.description
Final Fantasy Collection  Square1999Japanese only release, consisting of 'Final Fantasy 4', 'Final Fantasy 5' and 'Final Fantasy 6'. labelimageminimize
Final Fantasy VI  Square1999aFinal Fantasy Anthology is a port of two previous Role Playing games. The set contains Final Fantasy V and Final Fantasy VI, two radically different games that first appeared on the Super NES. The story of the first game is about four crystals that must be saved, lest the world expire. The second game is about an evil Empire and a group of people that vow to oppose it. Both games are 30-hour classics that gamers from any era can enjoy.***
[32]***The European version of this game include a PS2 disc with [game=#48467]Final Fantasy X[/game] demo.***Final Fantasy Anthology was released outside of Japan and contained Final Fantasy V & VI.