showing 4 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Moons of Jupiter Romik1982I remember this game, always thought the moons looked awesome for the Vic.
[John]***I wrote in raw 6502 code. To animate, I put groups of user-defined characters at specific points on the screen and drew in them. The VIC didn't have enough of these to cover the full screen! I double buffered the display, of course.
[Dave Byrden]
Jupiter Defender Interceptor Software1983I wrote this game in 6502 assembler language on a piece of paper - without any software tools - at the age of 11 / 12. I sold it when I was 13 for ~£300 and had my picture on the front page of the Huddersfield Examiner. Interceptor Micros (if I remember correctly) - the publisher - gave me an assembler cartridge after they bought it.

I hadn't played the game for 23 years until I downloaded the emulator and rom tonight. It's still as hot as I remember.

If you want to try it yourself:
[[link:'s/Emulation/VIC-20/roms/4k/Vic20_roms_4kb.htm ROM at]]
[[link:'s/Emulation/emulators_summary.htm EMULATOR at]] VICE v1.90
[Justin Tolson]
Caveman Arlasoft;Phoenix Ware (Arlasoft)2019 labelminimizeminimize
ATTACK OF THE PETSCII ROBOTS  8-Bit Productions2021 labelminimizeminimize